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workarea-core 3.5.27

Provides application code, seed data, plugin infrastructure, and other core parts of the Workarea Commerce Platform.

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  1. 3.5.27 - July 19, 2021 (710 KB)
  2. 3.5.26 - January 20, 2021 (710 KB)
  3. 3.5.25 - December 23, 2020 (710 KB)
  4. 3.5.23 - November 25, 2020 (709 KB)
  5. 3.5.22 - November 03, 2020 (709 KB)
Toon alle versies (63 totaal)

Runtime afhankelijkheden (83):

activemerchant ~> 1.52
active_utils ~> 3.3.1
avalanche-rails ~> 1.2.0
bcrypt ~> 3.1.10
browser ~> 2.6.1
bundler >= 1.8.0
chart-js-rails ~> 0.0.9
chartkick ~> 3.4.0
countries ~> 2.1.4
dragonfly ~> 1.1.2
easymon ~> 1.4.0
ejs ~> 1.1.1
elasticsearch ~> 5.0.1
faker ~> 1.8.4
faraday ~> 0.15.4
fastimage ~> 1.6.3
featurejs_rails ~> 1.0.1
geocoder ~> 1.6.3
haml ~> 5.0.1
i18n-js ~> 3.2.1
icalendar ~> 2.4.1
image_optim ~> 0.26.0
image_optim_pack =
inline_svg ~> 1.3.0
jbuilder ~> 2.7.0
jquery-rails ~> 4.4.0
jquery-ui-rails ~> 6.0.1
json-streamer ~> 2.0.1
js-routes ~> 1.3.0
kaminari ~> 1.2.1
kaminari-mongoid ~> 0.1.2
local_time ~> 1.0.3
lodash-rails ~> 4.17.4
loofah ~> 2.3.1
measured >= 2.0
minitest ~> 5.10.3, >= 5.10.1
money-rails ~> 1.12.0
mongoid ~> 6.4.0
mongoid-sample ~> 0.1.0
mongoid-tree ~> 2.1.0
net-sftp ~> 2.1.2
normalize-rails ~> 4.1.1
predictor ~> 2.3.0
premailer-rails ~> 1.10.1
puma >= 4.3.1
rack >= 2.1.4
rack-attack ~> 6.3.1
rack-timeout ~> 0.1.1
rails ~> 5.2.0
rails-decorators ~> 0.1.2
redcarpet ~> 3.5.1, >= 3.5.1
redis-rack-cache ~> 2.2.0
redis-rails ~> 5.0.0
referer-parser ~> 0.3.0
ruby-stemmer ~> 0.9.6
rufus-scheduler < 3.5.0
sassc-rails ~> 1.3.0
select2-rails ~> 4.0.3
sidekiq ~> 5.2.2
sidekiq-cron ~> 0.6.3
spectrum-rails ~> 1.8.0
sprockets ~> 3.7.2
sprockets-rails ~> 3.2.0
strftime-rails ~> 0.9.2
tribute ~>
turbolinks ~> 5.0.1
waypoints_rails ~> 4.0.1
wysihtml-rails ~> 0.6.0.beta2


Pushed by:


  • Ben Crouse

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Total downloads 117.300

Voor deze versie 3.408

Versie vrijgegeven:


Business Software License

Required Ruby Version: >= 2.4.0, < 2.7.0
