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pg_rails 7.0.8.pre.alpha.103

Rails goodies.

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  1. 7.0.8.pre.alpha.107 - July 01, 2024 (167 KB)
  2. 7.0.8.pre.alpha.106 - June 22, 2024 (167 KB)
  3. 7.0.8.pre.alpha.105 - June 21, 2024 (167 KB)
  4. 7.0.8.pre.alpha.104 - June 21, 2024 (167 KB)
  5. 7.0.8.pre.alpha.103 - June 19, 2024 (165 KB)
Mostrar todas as versões (110)

Runtime Dependencies (39):

activeadmin ~> 3.2.2
anycable = 1.5.0
anycable-rails ~> 1.5.1
audited ~> 5.4.3
cable_ready ~> 5.0
caxlsx_rails ~> 0.6.3
devise ~> 4.9.3
devise-i18n ~> 1.12.0
discard ~> 1.3.0
dotenv-rails ~> 3.1.0
draper ~> 4.0.2
enumerize ~> 2.7.0
hashid-rails ~> 1.0
kaminari ~> 1.2.2
kaminari-i18n ~> 0.5.0
kredis ~> 1.7.0
mailgun-ruby ~> 1.2.14
nokogiri ~> 1.16
noticed ~> 2.3
pg ~> 1.5.4
pg_search ~> 2.3.6
puma ~> 6.4
pundit ~> 2.3.1
rails ~>
rails-i18n ~> 7.0.8
rainbow ~> 3.1.1
redis ~> 5.1
rollbar ~> 3.5.1
sassc ~> 2.4.0
simple_form ~> 5.3.0
slim-rails ~> 3.6.3
sprockets-rails ~> 3.4.2
turbo-rails ~> 2.0
view_component ~> 3.12.1

Development Dependencies (28):

annotate ~> 3.2.0
brakeman ~> 6.1
bullet ~> 7.1.6
bundler-audit ~> 0.9.1
byebug ~> 11.1
capybara ~> 3.40.0
faker ~> 3.2.3
letter_opener ~> 1.8.1
overcommit ~> 0.61.0
rspec-rails ~> 6.0.4
rubocop ~> 1.60.2
rubocop-rails ~> 2.23.1
rubocop-rspec ~> 2.26.1
ruby-lint ~> 0.9.1
selenium-webdriver ~> 4.17.0
simplecov ~> 0.22.0
simplecov-lcov ~> 0.8.0
slim_lint ~> 0.26.0
spring ~> 4.1.3
stimulus-rails ~> 1.3.3
undercover ~> 0.5.0
vcr ~> 6.2.0
web-console ~> 4.2.1
webmock ~> 3.20.0


Pushed by:


  • Martín Rosso

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Total de downloads 15.519

Desta versão 109



Versão Requerida do Ruby: ~> 3.0
