RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour oauth Latest version of the following gems require oauth

adops_report_scrapper 0.2.52

Adops Report Scrapper is a collection of web scrappers that can automatically extract t...

258 625 Téléchargements

earthquake 1.0.2

Twitter Client on Terminal with Twitter Streaming API.

234 107 Téléchargements

factual-api 1.3.20

Factual's official Ruby driver for the Factual public API.

232 328 Téléchargements

twitty 0.1.5

Twitty makes working with the twitter account subscriptions APIs much easier

231 554 Téléchargements

hyrax 5.0.1

Hyrax is a featureful Samvera front-end based on the latest and greatest Samvera softwa...

220 556 Téléchargements

fitgem 0.12.1

A client library to send and retrieve workout, weight, and diet data from

211 470 Téléchargements

sufia 7.4.1

Sufia extends the robust Hydra framework to provide a user interface around common repo...

202 367 Téléchargements

etsy 0.3.4

A friendly Ruby interface to the Etsy API

186 985 Téléchargements

aggcat 1.0.1

Aggcat wraps Intuit's Customer Account Data API in a simple client

178 949 Téléchargements

twurl 0.9.7

Curl for the Twitter API

173 874 Téléchargements

rubytter 1.5.1

Rubytter is a simple twitter client.

166 050 Téléchargements

tw 1.3.1

CUI Twitter Client.

146 638 Téléchargements

dropbox-api 0.4.8

To deliver a more Rubyesque experience when using the Dropbox API.

146 299 Téléchargements

appoxy_rails 0.0.34

Appoxy API Helper gem description...

144 022 Téléchargements

foreman_api 0.1.11

Helps you to use Foreman's API calls from your app

139 594 Téléchargements

dbox 0.8.3

An easy-to-use Dropbox client with fine-grained control over syncs. Think of it as half...

137 408 Téléchargements

jiralicious 0.5.0

A Ruby library for interacting with JIRA's REST API

136 397 Téléchargements

cloudkick 0.2.16

Ruby interface to the Cloudkick API

136 212 Téléchargements

dropbox 1.3.0

An easy-to-use client library for the official Dropbox API.

128 733 Téléchargements

goodreads 0.9.0

Simple wrapper for the Goodreads API

126 713 Téléchargements

twat 1.0.0

Command line tool for tweeting and whatnot

125 934 Téléchargements

ruby-satisfaction 0.7.5

Ruby client for using Get Satisfaction's RESTful API. Get Satisfaction is a simple way ...

122 774 Téléchargements

tweetlr 0.1.37

tweetlr crawls twitter for a given term, extracts photos out of the collected tweets' s...

122 135 Téléchargements

vx-service_connector 0.4.14


118 286 Téléchargements

chatterbot 2.2.0

A ruby framework for writing bots that run on Twitter. Comes with a simple DSL for easy...

114 568 Téléchargements

2Performant 0.1.3

Library for the 2Performant API

109 810 Téléchargements

whos_using_what 1.1.4

What companies are using what technologies

106 911 Téléchargements

twitter4r 0.7.0

A clean Twitter client API in pure Ruby. Will include Twitter add-ons also in Ruby.

100 807 Téléchargements

datapimp 1.2.11

Your rails app in a custom tailored suit.

96 072 Téléchargements

uzuuzu-core 0.1.15

uzuuzu core library

90 333 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 114 953 004

Pour cette version 4 951 383



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.7

New versions require MFA: true

Version published with MFA: true
