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zold 0.13.4

In the last few years digital currencies have successfully demonstrated their ability to become an alternative financial instrument in many different markets. Most of the technologies available at the moment are based on the principles of Blockchain architecture, including dominating currencies like Bitcoin and Etherium. Despite its popularity, Blockchain is not the best possible solution for all scenarios. One such example is for fast micro-payments. Zold is an experimental alternative that enables distributed transactions between anonymous users, making micro-payments financially feasible. It borrows the proof-of-work principle from Bitcoin, and suggests a different architecture for digital wallet maintenance.

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  1. 0.31.8 - December 07, 2023 (667 KB)
  2. 0.31.7 - December 01, 2023 (667 KB)
  3. 0.31.6 - November 30, 2023 (667 KB)
  4. 0.31.5 - June 25, 2023 (669 KB)
  5. 0.31.4 - December 05, 2022 (669 KB)
  6. 0.13.4 - June 11, 2018 (64,5 KB)
Zeige alle Versionen (326 total)

Runtime Abhängigkeiten (13):

cucumber ~> 3.1
diffy ~> 3.2
json ~> 1.8
openssl ~> 2.1
rainbow ~> 3.0
rake ~> 12.3
rubocop ~> 0.52
rubocop-rspec ~> 1.23
semantic ~> 1.6
sinatra ~> 2.0
slop ~> 4.4
xcop ~> 0.5

Development Abhängigkeiten (5):

codecov = 0.1.10
minitest = 5.11.3
rdoc = 4.2.0
rspec-rails = 3.1.0
webmock = 3.4.2



  • Yegor Bugayenko

SHA 256-Prüfsumme:

= In die Zwischenablage kopieren Kopiert!

Downloads insgesamt 492.547

Für diese Version 1.532



Erforderliche Ruby-Version: ~> 2.2
