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Reverse dependencies for graphql Latest version of the following gems require graphql

graphql-map 0.3.0

Adds a 'Map' scalar type for use with graphql-ruby

212,199 下載

artemis 1.0.0

GraphQL client on Rails + Convention over Configuration = ❤️

180,395 下載

yabeda-graphql 0.2.3

Extends Yabeda metrics with graphql-ruby metrics: queries, mutations, fields…

171,591 下載

relaton-bsi 1.18.0

RelatonBsi: retrieve BSI Standards for bibliographic use using the BibliographicItem model

166,579 下載

graphql_rails 2.4.0

Rails style structure for GraphQL API.

162,128 下載

graphql-relay 0.12.0

Define global ids, connections and mutations to use GraphQL and Relay with a Ruby server.

144,850 下載

graphql-activerecord 0.13.0

Build Relay-compatible GraphQL schemas based on ActiveRecord models

132,162 下載

graphql-types-money 1.0.0

Add support for a Money type is graphql-ruby

130,708 下載

graphql-searchkick 1.1.0

A Searchkick plugin for graphql-ruby allowing you to use searchkick with the connection...

128,575 下載

rack-graphql 3.6.0

Rack middleware implementing graphql endpoint.

125,882 下載

active_graphql 0.3

Graphql client

121,664 下載

graphql-libgraphqlparser 1.3.0

Use Libgraphqlparser to parse queries for the GraphQL gem

116,127 下載

graph_attack 2.3.1

GraphQL analyser for blocking & throttling

97,777 下載

graphql-pundit 0.7.1

Pundit authorization support for graphql

97,759 下載

optics-agent 0.5.5

An Agent for Apollo Optics,

93,484 下載

rspec-graphql_response 0.5.0

Adds a :graphql rspec type with built-in helpers and matchers for ruby-graphql gem resp...

82,835 下載

apollo-studio-tracing 1.1.0

A Ruby implementation of Apollo GraphQL Studio tracing

73,682 下載

osso 0.1.2

This gem includes the main functionality for Osso apps,

71,449 下載

graphql-remote_loader 1.0.6

GraphQL::RemoteLoader allows performantly fetching data from remote GraphQL APIs in the...

66,884 下載

graphql-connections 1.4.0

GraphQL cursor-based stable pagination to work with Active Record relations

60,005 下載

insights-api-common 5.0.7

Header, Encryption, RBAC, Serialization, Pagination and other common behavior for Insig...

57,381 下載

hq-graphql 2.2.4

OneHQ GraphQL Library

56,809 下載

aipp 2.2.0

Parse public AIP (Aeronautical Information Publication) and convert the data to either ...

56,317 下載

graphql-hive 0.3.3

"Monitor operations, inspect your queries and publish your GraphQL schema with GraphQL ...

55,319 下載

graphql-extras 0.4.2

A set of modules and types for buildign GraphQL APIs.

51,486 下載

graphql-autotest 0.3.1

Test GraphQL queries automatically

50,171 下載

graphql-kaminari_connection 1.0.0

Kaminari based GraphQL pagination

49,488 下載

graphql-anonymous_operation_rejector 0.1.0

An GraphQL analyzer to reject anonymous operation.

47,065 下載

activecube-graphql 0.1.28

This GEM adapts the GraphQL interface to Activecube multi-dimensional queries. Now you ...

44,239 下載

lms-graphql-api 2.1.0

GraphQL wrapper for the Instructure Canvas API

42,543 下載

總下載次數 100,919,684

這個版本 1,664



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.7.0

New versions require MFA: true

Version published with MFA: true
