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graphql 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 graphql

graphql-client 0.22.0

A Ruby library for declaring, composing and executing GraphQL queries

52,189,717 下载

apollo_upload_server 2.1.5

apollo-upload-server implementation for Ruby on Rails as middleware.

28,916,226 下载

batch-loader 2.0.4

Powerful tool to avoid N+1 DB or HTTP queries

25,258,636 下载

graphql-docs 4.0.0

Library and CLI for generating a website from a GraphQL API's schema definition. Wi...

20,181,854 下载

graphql-batch 0.6.0

A query batching executor for the graphql gem

17,107,062 下载

gitlab-triage 1.42.2

GitLab triage automation project.

9,899,657 下载

opentelemetry-instrumentation-graphql 0.28.1

GraphQL instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework

6,631,415 下载

graphql-metrics 5.0.8

Extract as much much detail as you want from GraphQL queries, served up from your Ruby ...

5,195,657 下载

graphql-schema_comparator 1.2.1

GraphQL::SchemaComparator compares two GraphQL schemas given their SDL and returns a li...

3,246,097 下载

apollo-federation 3.8.5

A Ruby implementation of Apollo Federation

2,945,853 下载

graphql-errors 0.4.0

Simple error handler for graphql-ruby

1,927,934 下载

graphql-guard 2.0.0

Simple authorization gem for graphql-ruby

1,828,531 下载

search_object_graphql 1.0.5

Search Object plugin to working with GraphQL

1,531,108 下载

action_policy-graphql 0.5.4

Action Policy integration for GraphQL-Ruby

1,357,828 下载

rspec-graphql_matchers 1.4.0

Collection of rspec matchers to test your graphQL api schema.

1,107,379 下载

graphql-anycable 1.1.6

A drop-in replacement for GraphQL ActionCable subscriptions for AnyCable.

914,727 下载

souls 4.1.2

Ruby Serverless Framework 'SOULs' | Ruby サーバーレスフレームワーク SOULs. Powered by Ruby GraphQL...

829,063 下载

graphql-preload 2.1.0

Preload ActiveRecord associations with graphql-batch

697,737 下载

graphql-persisted_queries 1.8.0

Persisted queries for graphql-ruby

671,462 下载

graphql-query-resolver 0.2.0

GraphQL::QueryResolver is an add-on to graphql-ruby that allows your field resolvers to...

666,626 下载

graphql-c_parser 1.1.0

A parser for GraphQL, implemented as a C extension

512,356 下载

graphql_schema 0.1.8

Classes for convenient use of GraphQL introspection result

473,814 下载

graphql-pagination 2.2.0

Page-based kaminari pagination for graphql returning collection and pagination metadata.

472,592 下载

apollo-tracing 1.6.0

Ruby implementation of GraphQL trace data in the Apollo Tracing format.

452,361 下载

graphql-cache 0.6.0

Provides middleware field-level caching for graphql-ruby

368,789 下载

graphql_devise 1.4.0

GraphQL queries and mutations on top of devise_token_auth

348,312 下载

graphql-fragment_cache 1.20.1

Fragment cache for graphql-ruby

321,309 下载

n1_loader 1.7.4

Loader to solve N+1 issue for good.

306,899 下载

decidim-api 0.28.0

API engine for decidim

252,843 下载

graphql-active_record 2.2.2

Active Record Helpers for graphql-ruby

236,311 下载

下载总量 100,357,494

这个版本 282,740



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.7.0

新的版本需要开启多因素验证: true

使用多因素验证发布的版本: true
