RubyGems Navigation menu

simplecov-rcovの被依存関係 以下のgemの最新版はsimplecov-rcovを必要としています

encryptor 3.0.0

A simple wrapper for the standard ruby OpenSSL library to encrypt and decrypt strings

100,362,635 ダウンロード数

attr_encrypted 4.2.0

Generates attr_accessors that encrypt and decrypt attributes transparently

64,685,699 ダウンロード数

geokit 1.14.0

Geokit provides geocoding and distance calculation in an easy-to-use API

24,503,001 ダウンロード数

geokit-rails 2.5.0

Official Geokit plugin for Rails/ActiveRecord. Provides location-based goodness for you...

12,176,164 ダウンロード数

cf-uaa-lib 4.0.9

Client library for interacting with the CloudFoundry User Account and Authorization (UA...

3,504,994 ダウンロード数

cf-uaac 4.28.0

Client command line tools for interacting with the CloudFoundry User Account and Author...

2,101,526 ダウンロード数

csvlint 1.5.0

CSV Validator

1,444,755 ダウンロード数

spawnling 2.1.6

This plugin provides a 'Spawnling' class to easily fork OR thread long-running sections...

1,301,962 ダウンロード数

leaflet-rails 1.9.5

This gem provides the leaflet.js map display library for your Rails 4+ application.

1,223,272 ダウンロード数

flexirest 1.12.5

Accessing REST services in a flexible way

1,096,360 ダウンロード数

scimitar 2.11.0

SCIM v2 support for Users and Groups in Ruby On Rails

1,020,311 ダウンロード数

ztk 3.3.2

Zachary's Tool Kit contains a collection of reusable classes meant to simplify developm...

733,300 ダウンロード数

jenkins_pipeline_builder 1.10.0

This is a simple and easy-to-use Jenkins Pipeline generator with features focused on au...

638,309 ダウンロード数

graphite-api 1.1.1

Graphite API - A Simple ruby client, aggregator daemon and API tools

523,171 ダウンロード数

activerecord-delay_touching 1.1.0

Batch up your ActiveRecord "touch" operations for better performance. ActiveRecord::Bas...

490,847 ダウンロード数

daddy 0.9.19

Daddy helps me build web applications since daddy knows some good practices.

467,577 ダウンロード数

knife-zero 2.5.2

Run chef-client at remote node with chef-zero(local-mode) via HTTP over SSH port foward...

390,518 ダウンロード数

adhearsion 2.6.4

Adhearsion is an open-source telephony development framework

367,255 ダウンロード数

splunk-client 0.10.0

splunk-client is a simple Ruby library for interfacing with Splunk's REST API. It is AP...

278,376 ダウンロード数

active_rest_client 1.2.0

Accessing REST services in an ActiveRecord style

276,423 ダウンロード数

simple_scheduler 1.2.0

Simple Scheduler adds the ability to enhance Heroku Scheduler by using Sidekiq to queue...

252,504 ダウンロード数

hoodoo 4.0.0

Simplify the implementation of consistent services within an API-based software platform.

228,139 ダウンロード数

buildr-as3 0.2.19

Build like you code - now supporting ActionScript 3 & Flex

214,493 ダウンロード数

spark_api 2.0.0

The spark_api gem handles most of the boilerplate for communicating with the Spark API ...

199,211 ダウンロード数

whedon 0.0.3

Parses cron lines into a Schedule instance that can be queried.

196,614 ダウンロード数

powerhome-attr_encrypted 1.2.0

Generates attr_accessors that encrypt and decrypt attributes transparently

180,827 ダウンロード数

gaptool-server 0.8.5

gaptool-server for managing cloud resources

170,155 ダウンロード数

soar_sr 1.1.26

Implementation of the Hetzner Service Registry specification, backed by jUDDI

161,330 ダウンロード数

trustpilot-business-links 1.1.0

This gem generates Trustpilot Business Generated Links described on https://support.tru...

158,341 ダウンロード数

notifiable-rails 0.30.4

Notifiable engine for Rails.

145,666 ダウンロード数

累計ダウンロード数 14,805,305

このバージョンのみ 789,235




必要なRubyのバージョン: >= 0
