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renalware-core 2.1.1

Renalware uses demographic, clinical, pathology, and nephrology datasets to improve patient care, undertake clinical and administrative audits and share data with external systems.




  1. 2.1.1 - March 22, 2021 (2.03 MB)
  2. 2.1.0 - March 15, 2021 (2.03 MB)
  3. 2.0.167 - February 04, 2021 (2.02 MB)
  4. 2.0.166 - January 21, 2021 (2.01 MB)
  5. 2.0.165 - January 20, 2021 (2.01 MB)
Show all versions (187 total)

Runtime Dependencies (72):

active_type ~> 0.7.1
ahoy_matey ~> 2.1
attr_extras ~> 6.2
chartkick ~> 3.3
clipboard-rails ~> 1.7.1
cocoon ~> 1.2.11
concurrent-ruby ~> 1.1.6
cronex ~> 0.6.1
delayed_job ~> 4.1.4
delayed_job_web ~> 1.4.3
devise ~> 4.7.1
devise-security ~> 0.14.3
dotenv-rails ~> 2.5
dumb_delegator ~> 0.8.0
email_validator > 1.6.0
enumerize ~> 2.4.0
friendly_id ~> 5.3
groupdate >= 4.2, < 6
hashdiff ~> 1.0
httparty ~> 0.16
i18n ~> 1.8.9
jbuilder ~> 2.8
jquery-rails ~> 4.4.0
jquery-ui-rails ~> 6.0.1
kaminari ~> 1.1
liquid ~> 4.0.0
lograge ~> 0.11.2
naught ~> 1.1.0
nested_form ~> 0.3.2
nokogiri ~> 1.9
ox ~> 2.13
pagy ~> 3.11
pandoc-ruby ~> 2.1.4
paranoia ~> 2.4.0
pdf-reader ~> 2.4.0
pg ~> 1.1
prawn ~> 2.2
puma >= 4.3
pundit ~> 2.1.0
rack ~> 2.0
rack-attack ~> 6.5
rails > 5.2, < 6.2
ransack ~> 2.4.0
renalware-forms >= 0.1.5
ruby-hl7 ~> 1.2.0
sassc-rails ~> 2.1.0
scenic ~> 1.5
simple_form ~> 5.1
sinatra ~> 2.0
slim-rails ~> 3.2.0
sprockets-rails >= 3.2.2
store_model = 0.8.0
uglifier ~> 4.2
view_component ~> 2.19
virtus ~> 1.0.5
whenever >= 0
wicked_pdf >= 0
wisper ~> 2.0.0
wisper-activejob ~> 1.0.0
wkhtmltopdf-binary =
yard >= 0.9.20


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  • Airslie

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Total downloads 299,019

For this version 2,466

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Required Ruby Version: >= 0
