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lazylead 0.13.0

Ticketing systems (Github, Jira, etc.) are strongly integrated into our processes and everyone understands their necessity. As soon as a developer becomes a lead/technical manager, he or she faces a set of routine tasks that are related to ticketing work. On large projects this becomes a problem, more and more you spend time running around on dashboards and tickets, looking for incorrect deviations in tickets and performing routine tasks instead of solving technical problems.




  1. 0.13.0 August 13, 2023 (184 ko)
  2. 0.12.0 January 17, 2022 (182 ko)
  3. 0.11.4 October 03, 2021 (181 ko)
  4. 0.11.3 September 19, 2021 (181 ko)
  5. 0.11.2 September 15, 2021 (180 ko)
Voir toutes les versions (40)

Dépendances de Runtime (26):

activerecord = 6.1.3
backtrace = 0.3
colorize = 0.8.1
faraday = 2.3.0
get_process_mem = 0.2.7
inifile = 3.0.0
jira-ruby = 2.2.0
json = 2.6.2
logging = 2.3.1
mail = 2.7.1
memory_profiler = 1.0.0
nokogiri = 1.11.3
openssl = 2.1.2
railties = 6.1.3
require_all = 3.0.0
rubyzip = 2.3.2
rufus-scheduler = 3.9.1
slop = 4.9.2
sqlite3 = 1.4.4
tempfile = 0.1.2
tilt = 2.0.10
tzinfo = 2.0.4
tzinfo-data = 1.2022.1
vcs4sql = 0.1.1
viewpoint = 1.1.1
zaru = 0.3.0

Dépendances de Development (19):

codecov = 0.6.0
guard = 2.18.0
guard-minitest = 2.4.6
minitest = 5.19.0
minitest-hooks = 1.5.0
net-ping = 2.0.8
rake = 13.0.6
random-port = 0.5.1
rdoc = 6.4.0
rubocop = 1.50.2
rubocop-minitest = 0.20.1
rubocop-rake = 0.6.0
rubocop-rspec = 2.11.1
ruby-prof = 1.4.3
sqlint = 0.2.1
tempfile = 0.1.2


Pushed by:


  • Yurii Dubinka

Total de contrôle SHA 256:


Total de téléchargements 60 929

Pour cette version 551

Version publiée:



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.6.5
