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Dépendances inversées pour hoe-rubygems Latest version of the following gems require hoe-rubygems

diff-lcs 1.6.1

Diff::LCS computes the difference between two Enumerable sequences using the McIlroy-Hu...

995 099 216 Téléchargements

mime-types 3.6.2

The mime-types library provides a library and registry for information about MIME conte...

773 488 049 Téléchargements

minitar 1.0.2

The minitar library is a pure-Ruby library that provides the ability to deal with POSIX...

48 830 243 Téléchargements

minitar-cli 1.0.0

<tt>minitar-cli</tt> is a pure-Ruby command-line tool that uses {minitar}[https://githu...

2 992 286 Téléchargements

text-hyphen 1.5.0

Text::Hyphen is a Ruby library to hyphenate words in various languages using Ruby-fied ...

1 647 016 Téléchargements

rubypython 0.6.4

RubyPython is a bridge between the Ruby and Python interpreters. It embeds a running Py...

1 492 917 Téléchargements

hoe-manns 2.1.8

hoe-manns is a small collection of my personal used rake tasks for using with hoe.

69 744 Téléchargements

marlowe 3.1

{Marlowe}[] is a Rack middleware that extracts or...

49 000 Téléchargements

i18n-tasks-csv 1.1

This is a packaged gem version of the CSV import/export tasks on the {i18n-tasks Wiki}[...

48 949 Téléchargements

kinetic_cafe_error 1.12

kinetic_cafe_error provides an API-smart error base class and a DSL for defining errors...

42 215 Téléchargements

cartage-rack 2.3

This release is the *last* version of cartage-rack. It will be replaced with a differen...

21 970 Téléchargements

marketo-api-ruby 0.9.2

MarketoAPI (marketo-api-ruby) provides a native Ruby interface to the {Marketo SOAP API...

13 777 Téléchargements

lokeshh_rubypython 0.7.1

RubyPython is a bridge between the Ruby and Python interpreters. It embeds a running Py...

4 552 Téléchargements

hoe-halostatue 2.0.0

Hoe::Halostatue is a [Hoe][hoe] meta-plugin that provides improved support for Markdown...

2 668 Téléchargements

app_identity 1.1.0

AppIdentity is a Ruby implementation of the Kinetic Commerce application identity proof...

1 685 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 46 117

Pour cette version 46 115

Version publiée:



Version de Ruby requise: None
