RubyGems Navigation menu

fuubar 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 fuubar

crossroadsjs-rails 1.5.0

Provides Crossroads.js for use with Rails 3

26,172 下載

dco 1.0.1

A command line tool to help manage Developer Certificate of Origin projects.

26,168 下載

speedflow 0.3.6

Speedflow provides a robust system to transform yourpainful workflow in a sweet workflow.

25,939 下載

kosapi_client 0.14.1

REST client for KOSapi service

25,774 下載

definition 1.1.2

Simple and composable validation and coercion of data structures inspired by clojure specs

25,642 下載

tomato_power 0.1.4

RottenTomatoes API wrapper

25,391 下載

open-weather-api 0.0.7

Simple wrapper for Open Weather Map API. The API description may be found here: http://...

25,300 下載

activerecord_random 1.0.1

ActiveRecord Random is a Ruby Gem that empowers your ActiveRecord Models with the abili...

25,139 下載

garcun 0.1.1

A useful collection of methods to make cooking more fun

24,799 下載

angularjs-rails-cdn 0.1.4

Adds CDN support to angularjs-rails

24,374 下載

rufirmata 0.0.7

A Ruby port of pyFirmata, software for interfacing with firmata-enabled microcontrollers

24,259 下載

proxy_manager 1.0.1

This is gem for easy usage proxy in your parsers/web-bots. It will manage your prox...

23,395 下載

knife_cookbook_dependencies 0.0.8

Resolves cookbook dependencies

23,392 下載

queencheck 1.0.0

QueenCheck is random test library. Inspired by QuickCheck library in Haskell.

22,949 下載

access_policy 0.0.7

Object oriented authorization for ruby.

22,851 下載

trakio-ruby 0.2.3

Official ruby library for Ruby

22,592 下載

has_cache 0.1.5

Using `has_cache` in your classes provides a `cached` method that allows automatic ...

22,432 下載

prospectus_circleci 0.1.1

Prospectus helpers for circleci

21,931 下載

time-predicates 0.3.3

Having trouble figuring out which date is in the future looking at > or < ?

21,670 下載

prospectus_pkgforge 0.0.12

Prospectus helpers for pkgforge

21,664 下載

prospectus_dockerhub 0.1.2

Prospectus helpers for docker hub

21,643 下載

colorful 0.0.3

Provides string extensions for terminal color output

21,599 下載

prospectus_gems 0.3.1

Prospectus helpers for gemspecs

21,570 下載

rails_redis_cache 0.2.0

Rails 3.1 cache store implementation using Redis. See

21,467 下載

logstash-input-yasuri 5.0.7

Web scraping input plugin for logstash.

20,767 下載

grape_api_signature 0.0.6

Add AWS Signature 4 style authentication to grape API's.

20,621 下載

seraph 0.1.2

Looking for an authentication gem that doesn't make any assumptions about your setup? Y...

20,509 下載

juan_pelota 3.0.0

Log Sidekiq messages in JSON format

20,341 下載

webhooker 0.5.0

Webhook engine for Rails applications implemented as a Rails Engine. Extends rails mode...

20,273 下載

tinyci 0.5.1

A minimal Continuous Integration system, written in ruby, powered by git

20,196 下載

總下載次數 61,810,557

這個版本 14,514,912




Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
