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fuubar 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 fuubar

ruby-progressbar 1.13.0

Ruby/ProgressBar is an extremely flexible text progress bar library for Ruby. The outpu...

496,191,443 下载

awesome_print 1.9.2

Great Ruby debugging companion: pretty print Ruby objects to visualize their structure....

239,468,944 下载

rspec-sidekiq 5.0.0

Simple testing of Sidekiq jobs via a collection of matchers and helpers

41,680,006 下载

astrolabe 1.3.1

An object-oriented AST extension for Parser

9,554,560 下载

varia_model 0.6.0

A mixin to provide objects with magic attribute reading and writing

7,521,559 下载

buff-extensions 2.0.0

Extensions to Core Ruby classes

7,473,650 下载

buff-shell_out 1.1.0

A mixin for issuing shell commands and collecting the output

7,359,264 下载

buff-ruby_engine 1.0.0

A mixin for querying the platform running Ruby

7,348,499 下载

buff-config 2.0.0

A simple configuration class

7,335,458 下载

progressbar 1.13.0

Ruby/ProgressBar is an extremely flexible text progress bar library for Ruby. The outpu...

6,841,561 下载

enumerable-statistics 2.0.8

This library provides statistics features for Enumerable

5,254,805 下载

auth0 5.18.0

Ruby toolkit for Auth0 API

5,143,806 下载

watir-webdriver 0.9.9

WebDriver-backed Watir

4,624,412 下载

kitchen-docker 3.0.0

A Docker Driver for Test Kitchen

3,418,824 下载

foodcritic 16.3.0

A code linting tool for Chef Infra cookbooks.

3,186,517 下载

finishing_moves 1.2.1

Ruby includes a huge amount of default awesomeness that tackles most common development...

2,408,524 下载

rspec-legacy_formatters 1.0.2

Support for RSpec 2.x formatters on 3.x

2,026,604 下载

active_elastic_job 3.3.0

Run background jobs / tasks of Rails applications deployed in Amazon Elastic Beanstalk ...

1,839,120 下载

crawler_detect 1.2.5

CrawlerDetect is a library to detect bots/crawlers via the user agent

1,278,776 下载

basecrm 2.0.0

Zendesk Sell Official API V2 library client for ruby

1,149,211 下载


This gem provides jquery-cookie assets for your Rails 3 application.

1,055,500 下载

riif 1.1.0

A simple DSL to generate QuickBooks IIF file

971,007 下载

oauth-plugin 0.5.1

Rails plugin for implementing an OAuth Provider or Consumer

881,948 下载

auto_increment 1.6.2

Automaticaly increments an ActiveRecord column

749,450 下载

rails_admin-i18n 1.20.1

Translations for the rails_admin gem

630,939 下载

active_campaign 0.1.16

A simple ruby wrapper for the ActiveCampaign API

626,971 下载

instrumental_agent 3.0.0

This agent supports Instrumental custom metric monitoring for Ruby applications. It pro...

498,130 下载

granite 0.17.2

Another business actions architecture for Rails apps

484,226 下载

normalizr 0.6.1

Writer methods parameters normalization

435,114 下载

attributor 8.0

A powerful attribute and type management library for Ruby

434,704 下载

下载总量 61,432,136

这个版本 14,384,589




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0
