RubyGems Navigation menu

fuubar 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 fuubar

soundcheck 0.4.0

Soundcheck tries to figure out what kind of project you're working on, what test file y...

32,827 下載

knife-solve 1.1.1

A knife plugin to display cookbook version solutions.

32,630 下載

jessica 1.0.2

A RabbitMQ client for JRuby with some AMQP gem api compatibility

32,365 下載

dragonfly-ffmpeg 0.1.6

FFMPEG libraries for processesing, encoding, analysing and generating videos with Drago...

32,212 下載

yard-classmethods 1.0.0

YARD documentation helper for ClassMethods-style modules.

31,800 下載

drydocker 0.1.11

Run tests on change in a docker container continuously

31,690 下載

openssl_rsa_pss_verify 0.1.7

Adds support for verifying RSA signatures using the Probabilistic Signature Scheme (PSS)

30,540 下載

keydown 0.9.2

Bastard child of Slidedown, deck.js and organic fair trade Bolivian coffee

30,115 下載

pagerduty_tools 0.4.3

Set of libraries and command-line tools to make better use of PagerDuty.

29,949 下載

zenflow 0.8.12

Zenflow is a development workflow management tool.

29,878 下載

scm_workspace 0.3.4

support loading scm repogitory into local workspace

29,747 下載

archive_tree 1.0.3

ArchiveTree is a Ruby Gem that makes it easy for you to create beautiful chronological ...

29,707 下載

meld 1.1.0

Utility library for combining objects

29,547 下載

credly 0.0.9

ruby client for the Credly API

29,205 下載

luggage 1.2.3

Easily interact with IMAP servers

29,151 下載

phantom_jasmine 0.1.0

Adds a new rake task jasmine:phantom that runs specs in parallel using phantoms js.

29,071 下載

napybara 0.7.0

DSL for nesting capybara helpers

28,993 下載

sunrise-core 0.2.2

Sunrise is a Aimbulance CMS

28,976 下載

hertz 2.1.0

A Rails engine for in-app notifications.

28,777 下載

rack-mongrel2 0.2.4

A Rack handler for the Mongrel2 web server, by Zed Shaw.

28,565 下載

rails_jskit 5.1.5

rails_jskit provides jskit.js to the asset pipeline and allows seamless event dispatchi...

28,436 下載

rmuh 0.3.1

ArmA 2 Ruby Library for RPT, Log, and GameSpy

28,099 下載

squire 1.3.7

Squire handles your configuration by common config DSL.

28,032 下載

bible_passage 0.2.4

bible_passage provides a facility for parsing a string to check its validity as a Bible...

27,571 下載

linodians 1.1.1

Library for viewing public Linode employee data

27,522 下載

info_hub 0.0.2

This gem delivers a simple DSL to read data from YAML files. That might be useful f...

27,265 下載

at 0.2.0

Make instance variables accessible for testing purposes.

27,129 下載

sshkit-custom-dsl 0.0.11

Exchanges original sshkit dsl against a custom dsl. This DSL does not change the scope ...

26,777 下載

strongbolt 0.3.16

Use model-level authorization with a very granular roles and permissions definition.

26,506 下載

svgplot 1.0.0

Ruby interface for creating SVG images

26,320 下載

總下載次數 61,785,966

這個版本 14,507,954




Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
