Dependencias inversas para fuubar La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren fuubar
rails-pseudoloc 0.0.2
Provides automated pseudolocalization capabilities to Ruby on Rails applications.
13.009 Descargas
prospectus_terraform 0.1.3
Prospectus helpers for Terraform
12.895 Descargas
pirate_metrics_agent 0.1.3
Get to know your customers.
12.817 Descargas
acts_as_pushable 0.3.1
A gem for Ruby on Rails that makes managing devices and push notifications for both iOS...
12.716 Descargas
abucoins 0.3.1
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
12.585 Descargas
runscope-rb 0.0.4
Start using Runscope to monitor your API traffic in minutes
12.574 Descargas
themes 0.1
Add simple themes to rails applications
12.394 Descargas
herokuconf 0.0.8
Configure local environment based on Heroku config variables
12.392 Descargas
govuk-pay-api-client 0.1.5
An API client to handle Govuk Pay interactions
12.367 Descargas
cracklib_reloaded 0.1.7
CrackLib is a library for checking that a password is not based on a simple character p...
12.229 Descargas
wamp 0.0.4
A Ruby implementation of the WAMP (Web Application Messaging Protocol) WebSocket subpro...
12.139 Descargas
rocket_pants-pagination 2.0.0
Pagination support for RocketPants.
12.082 Descargas
mechwarrior 0.0.3
A Mechanize based Capybara driver.
12.023 Descargas
active_facets 1.2.5
Fast JSON serializer for nested PORO and ActiveRecord Objects supporting decoration, fi...
12.009 Descargas
motion_flux 0.1.2
MotionFlux supports to build Flux-based RubyMotion apps.
12.005 Descargas
brainfucktt 0.1.2
A Brainfuck interpreter built using Treetop.
11.988 Descargas
whitelist_scope 0.1.4
whitelist_scope acts as a wrapper around ActiveRecord scopes, providing a tiny bit of e...
11.872 Descargas
card_nine 0.6.0
A Toolbox to help me build a board game.
11.837 Descargas
ajax_validator 0.0.4
Ajax Validator is a Rails engine that allows to validate form fields.
11.806 Descargas
speedly 0.2.0
A CLI tool to test your page speed performance.
11.733 Descargas
palimpsest 0.2.0
No web framework, no problem: Palimpsest gives any custom or legacy project a modern wo...
11.698 Descargas
scirocco 0.1.4
Run tests using SciroccoCloud's mobile devices.
11.692 Descargas
jekyll_prism 0.0.4
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
11.643 Descargas
fancy_logger 0.1.1
# Fancy Logger An easily customizable logger with style. ## Install ### Bundler: `ge...
11.612 Descargas
formatted_length 0.0.7
Adds formatted_length function to classes that acts_like_formatted_length, converting a...
11.593 Descargas
hertz-twilio 2.1.0
A Twilio courier for Hertz.
11.222 Descargas
dolla_dolla_bill 0.0.3
Rails integration for the RubyMoney gem including helpers
11.207 Descargas
tattletail 0.0.3
Provides a method to watch specific methods and print them when they are called
10.974 Descargas
mm_to_view_model 0.1.2
`mm_to_view_model` is a `MongoMapper` plugin that adds a `to_view_model` class and inst...
10.971 Descargas
gistribute 0.3.1
Distribute files simply using GitHub Gist.
10.942 Descargas