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cuculungwa 0.0.17

Cucumber based framework for purpose of automated tests

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  1. 0.0.87 - May 09, 2016 (7.5 KB)
  2. 0.0.86 - April 13, 2016 (7.5 KB)
  3. 0.0.83 - March 21, 2016 (7.5 KB)
  4. 0.0.81 - March 11, 2016 (7.5 KB)
  5. 0.0.79 - February 22, 2016 (7.5 KB)
  6. 0.0.17 - October 24, 2014 (6 KB)
Show all versions (68 total)

Runtime Dependencies (21):

aruba >= 0.6.1, ~> 0.6
capybara >= 2.4.3, ~> 2.4
capybara-screenshot >= 1.0.1, ~> 1.0
cucumber >= 1.3.17, ~> 1.3
cucumber-rails >= 1.4.0, ~> 1.4
jquery-rails >= 3.1.2, ~> 3.1
json >= 1.8.1, ~> 1.8
mysql2 >= 0.0.11, ~> 0.0
poltergeist >= 1.5.1, ~> 1.5
pry >= 0.10.1, ~> 0.10
pry-rails >= 0.3.2, ~> 0.3
rails >= 4.1.6, ~> 4.1
rails-erd >= 1.1.0, ~> 1.1
rspec-rails >= 3.1.0, ~> 3.1
sass-rails >= 4.0.3, ~> 4.0
seed_dump >= 3.2.0, ~> 3.2
selenium-webdriver >= 2.43.0, ~> 2.43
site_prism >= 2.6, ~> 2.6
syntax >= 1.2.0, ~> 1.2
turbolinks >= 2.3.0, ~> 2.3
uglifier >= 2.5.3, ~> 2.5


The latest IEDriverServer.exe for run tests via Internet Explorer on MS Windows

The latest chromedriver.exe for run tests via Chrome on MS Windows

The latest phantomjs.exe for run tests via PhantomJS on MS Windows

mysql-connector-c-6.1.5-win32 and the latest curl.exe for run Arachni security tests



  • Michal Kaftanski

SHA 256 checksum:

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Total downloads 208,150

For this version 2,671

Version Released:



Required Ruby Version: >= 1.9.3
