Dépendances inversées pour crack Latest version of the following gems require crack
webmock 3.25.1
WebMock allows stubbing HTTP requests and setting expectations on HTTP requests.
307 102 169 Téléchargements
ruby-fogbugz 0.3.0
A simple Ruby wrapper for the Fogbugz XML API
31 100 989 Téléchargements
LitleOnline 11.0.0
Vantiv eCommerce Online Ruby SDK created for version 11.0 of Vantiv eCommerce XML forma...
2 131 322 Téléchargements
flexirest 1.12.5
Accessing REST services in a flexible way
1 091 627 Téléchargements
pivotal-tracker 0.5.13
Ruby wrapper for the Pivotal Tracker API
888 884 Téléchargements
ruby-pardot 1.4.3
Library for interacting with the Pardot API
587 587 Téléchargements
bosh_agent 1.2652.0
This agent listens for instructions from the bosh director on each server that bosh man...
444 939 Téléchargements
active_rest_client 1.2.0
Accessing REST services in an ActiveRecord style
275 899 Téléchargements
madmimi 1.1.2
Send emails, track statistics, and manage your subscriber base with ease.
235 894 Téléchargements
learn-test 3.3.1
Runs RSpec, Karma, Mocha, and Python Pytest Test builds and pushes JSON output to Learn.
202 712 Téléchargements
vagrant-mos 0.9.61
Enables Vagrant to manage machines in MOS.
193 838 Téléchargements
asin 3.0.0
Amazon Simple INterface - Support for ItemLookup, SimilarityLookup, Search, BrowseNode ...
164 429 Téléchargements
yourls 0.1.1
Use the Yourls API to shorten or expand URLs
158 205 Téléchargements
sinatra_resource 0.4.24
A DSL for creating RESTful actions with Sinatra and MongoMapper. It embraces the Resour...
139 511 Téléchargements
cloudkick 0.2.16
Ruby interface to the Cloudkick API
138 853 Téléchargements
jiralicious 0.5.0
A Ruby library for interacting with JIRA's REST API
137 700 Téléchargements
rack-oauth2-server 2.8.1
Because you don't allow strangers into your app, and OAuth 2.0 is the new awesome.
134 692 Téléchargements
vagrant-mcs 0.8.39
Enables Vagrant to manage machines in MCS.
131 138 Téléchargements
twilio-rb 2.3.0
A nice Ruby wrapper for the Twilio REST API
123 724 Téléchargements
whos_using_what 1.1.4
What companies are using what technologies
111 122 Téléchargements
songkickr 0.5.5
A Ruby wrapper around the Songkick API. Visit www.songkick.com/developer for documentat...
91 736 Téléchargements
emailvision 2.2
REST API wrapper interacting with Emailvision
88 555 Téléchargements
rightresource 0.4.5
RightScale Resource API wrapper. see. RightScale API http://support.rightscale.com/12-G...
84 468 Téléchargements
pickler 0.2.1
Synchronize between Cucumber and Pivotal Tracker
82 744 Téléchargements
zetabot 2.1.2
Zeta is a IRC bot written in ruby using the Cinch Framework
73 959 Téléchargements
a2z 0.1.3
Ruby DSL for Amazon Product Advertising API
72 296 Téléchargements
benschwarz-smoke 0.5.13
smoke is a Ruby based DSL that allows you to query web services such as YQL, RSS / Atom...
71 009 Téléchargements
parka 0.8.0
Simple gem building using bundler
65 478 Téléchargements
swirl 1.7.5
A version agnostic EC2 ruby driver
64 713 Téléchargements
jnunemaker-httparty 0.4.5
Makes http fun! Also, makes consuming restful web services dead easy.
63 784 Téléchargements