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chunky_png 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 chunky_png

qrencoder 1.4.1

This Gem is a wrapper around an useful open-source library for creating QR Codes, a t...

102,044 下载

br_invoices_pdf 0.2.24

Brazilian Fiscal Documents PDF generator

99,614 下载

watchdoge 0.1.28

WatchDoge is RubyOnRails-friendly web frontend regression test tool

92,342 下载

escpos-image 0.0.12

A ruby implementation of ESC/POS (thermal) printer image command specification.

90,750 下载

ruby_identicon 0.0.6

A Ruby implementation of go-identicon by Damian Gryski RubyIdenticon creates an id...

79,140 下载

happo 2.8.5

Happo, a perceptual diff tool for JS components

69,651 下载

cova 0.2.1

Cova removes a lot of the complexity that comes with designing, coding, testing, protot...

67,400 下载

watir-extensions-element-screenshot 0.0.3

Extend Watir to be able to screenshot any element

63,053 下载

evercookie 0.1.2

Gem for placing and getting evercookie for rails application

61,162 下载

tensor_stream 1.0.9

A reimplementation of TensorFlow for ruby. This is a ground up implementation with no d...

60,737 下载

vae 0.9.5

Supports local development for Vae Platform (

57,720 下载

compatriot 1.0.0

Compare screenshots in your tests!

57,572 下载


[tam-vo/sprite-factory v1.6.4.5] Combines individual images from a directory into a sin...

53,346 下载

spritely 2.1.0

Hooks into the Sprockets asset packaging system to allow you to easily generate sprite ...

52,729 下载

technical_graph 0.6.1

Purpose of this gem is to create neat, simple, technical graphs. This is alternative to...

49,459 下载

eric_weixin 0.4.2


46,752 下载

camalian 0.2.2

Library used to deal with colors and images

45,487 下载

tableau_api 5.0.0

Ruby interface to the Tableau API.

45,140 下载

inch-badge 0.4.1

Rubygem used to generate badges for Inch

39,700 下载

dmtx 0.2.0

Pure Ruby Datamatrix Generator

39,618 下载

gnuplotrb 0.4.0

Renewed ruby bindings for gnuplot. Started at GSoC 2015.

39,096 下载

brocade 1.3.0

Generates barcodes for Rails ActiveRecord models.

38,321 下载

pageflow-linkmap-page 2.10.0

Pageflow page type for a page that contains customizable link areas

38,009 下载

pixelart 1.4.0

pixelart - yes, you can! generate your own pixel art images (off-blockchain) using any ...

37,234 下载

axiomus_api 0.6.1

This gem provides a Ruby wrapper over Axiomus API.

35,815 下载

read_ipa 2.2.0

Extract metadata from iOS packages such as the app name, the app icons or the binary fi...

34,136 下载

mittsu 0.4.0

Mittsu makes 3D graphics easier by providing an abstraction over OpenGL, and is based h...

33,949 下载

gpx2exif 0.3.1

Mass geotagger using GPX files.

32,646 下载

image_compare 1.0.7

Image comparison lib built on top of ChunkyPNG

32,112 下载

barby-chunky_png 0.3.4

A pure-Ruby barcode generator that works in 1.9.2, for me!, its a fork some other barby...

31,517 下载

下载总量 142,135,916

这个版本 38,458,405



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.0
