Dépendances inversées pour chunky_png Latest version of the following gems require chunky_png
rqrcode 2.2.0
rqrcode is a library for encoding QR Codes. The simple interface allows you to create Q...
89 831 035 Téléchargements
compass 1.0.3
Compass is a Sass-based Stylesheet Framework that streamlines the creation and maintena...
44 937 785 Téléchargements
oily_png 1.2.1
This Ruby C extenstion defines a module that can be included into ChunkyPNG to improve ...
12 550 162 Téléchargements
sprite-factory 1.7.1
Combines individual images from a directory into a single sprite image file and creates...
5 567 272 Téléchargements
asciidoctor-pdf 2.3.19
An add-on converter for Asciidoctor that converts AsciiDoc documents to PDF using the P...
3 791 242 Téléchargements
rqrcode_png 0.1.5
Glues rQRCode together with chunky_png
2 983 413 Téléchargements
sprockets-svg 1.3.0
Minify SVG assets, and optionally convert them to PNG for browser compatibility.
1 699 625 Téléchargements
imatcher 0.1.9
Image comparison lib built on top of ChunkyPNG
1 380 268 Téléchargements
puppeteer-ruby 0.45.6
A ruby port of puppeteer
1 089 160 Téléchargements
apparition 0.6.0
Apparition is a driver for Capybara that allows you to run your tests on Chrome in a he...
965 808 Téléchargements
playwright-ruby-client 1.50.1
The Ruby binding of playwright driver 1.50.1
763 376 Téléchargements
qrio 0.0.1
QR code decoder in pure Ruby
726 597 Téléchargements
has_barcode 0.2.3
Nice class method wrapper for Barby
505 944 Téléchargements
watir-screenshot-stitch 0.8.0
Extends Watir to take stitched-together screenshots of full web pages.
481 100 Téléchargements
compass-rgbapng 0.2.1
Compass plugin for providing cross-browser compatible RGBA support by creating transpar...
424 155 Téléchargements
sproutcore 1.11.0
SproutCore is a platform for building native look-and-feel applications on the web. Th...
414 874 Téléchargements
identicon 0.0.5
A simple github-like identicons generator.
330 297 Téléchargements
miro 0.4.0
Extract the dominant colors from an image.
293 601 Téléchargements
waveform 0.1.3
Generate waveform images from audio files. Includes a Waveform class for generating wav...
240 042 Téléchargements
ruby-vnc 1.3.0
A library which implements the client VNC protocol to control VNC servers.
218 523 Téléchargements
selenium-cucumber 3.1.5
Behavior driven development (BDD) approach to write automation test script to test Web ...
216 120 Téléchargements
active_assets 1.1.3
A Railtie that provides an asset management system for css, javascript, and sprites in ...
197 390 Téléchargements
psd 3.9.0
Parse Photoshop PSD files with ease
196 955 Téléchargements
rqrcode-with-patches 0.6.0
rQRCode is a library for encoding QR Codes. The simple interface allows you to create Q...
184 995 Téléchargements
pdf-417 0.9.5
Basic, text-only PDF-417 barcode generator.
175 984 Téléchargements
glimmer-dsl-libui 0.12.7
Glimmer DSL for LibUI (Fukuoka Award Winning Prerequisite-Free Ruby Desktop Development...
174 871 Téléchargements
high_five 0.3.23
Build, minify, and deal with different platforms and environments for your HTML5 app. ...
147 212 Téléchargements
smartware 0.4.12
Smartware is the Smartkiosk hardware control daemon
131 826 Téléchargements
linner 0.12.0
HTML5 Application Assembler
130 221 Téléchargements
escpos-image 0.0.12
A ruby implementation of ESC/POS (thermal) printer image command specification.
119 905 Téléchargements