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chunky_png 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 chunky_png

rqrcode 2.2.0

rqrcode is a library for encoding QR Codes. The simple interface allows you to create Q...

73,619,665 下載

compass 1.0.3

Compass is a Sass-based Stylesheet Framework that streamlines the creation and maintena...

43,995,342 下載

oily_png 1.2.1

This Ruby C extenstion defines a module that can be included into ChunkyPNG to improve ...

11,562,090 下載

sprite-factory 1.7.1

Combines individual images from a directory into a single sprite image file and creates...

5,347,885 下載

asciidoctor-pdf 2.3.17

An add-on converter for Asciidoctor that converts AsciiDoc documents to PDF using the P...

3,276,553 下載

rqrcode_png 0.1.5

Glues rQRCode together with chunky_png

2,592,850 下載

sprockets-svg 1.3.0

Minify SVG assets, and optionally convert them to PNG for browser compatibility.

1,429,043 下載

imatcher 0.1.9

Image comparison lib built on top of ChunkyPNG

1,187,669 下載

puppeteer-ruby 0.45.4

A ruby port of puppeteer

887,499 下載

apparition 0.6.0

Apparition is a driver for Capybara that allows you to run your tests on Chrome in a he...

866,693 下載

qrio 0.0.1

QR code decoder in pure Ruby

680,360 下載

watir-screenshot-stitch 0.8.0

Extends Watir to take stitched-together screenshots of full web pages.

459,804 下載

has_barcode 0.2.3

Nice class method wrapper for Barby

458,264 下載

sproutcore 1.11.0

SproutCore is a platform for building native look-and-feel applications on the web. Th...

407,610 下載

compass-rgbapng 0.2.1

Compass plugin for providing cross-browser compatible RGBA support by creating transpar...

405,874 下載

playwright-ruby-client 1.45.0

The Ruby binding of playwright driver 1.45.0

388,889 下載

miro 0.4.0

Extract the dominant colors from an image.

288,289 下載

identicon 0.0.5

A simple github-like identicons generator.

287,191 下載

ruby-vnc 1.3.0

A library which implements the client VNC protocol to control VNC servers.

212,379 下載

selenium-cucumber 3.1.5

Behavior driven development (BDD) approach to write automation test script to test Web ...

211,119 下載

waveform 0.1.3

Generate waveform images from audio files. Includes a Waveform class for generating wav...

210,900 下載

capybara-screenshot-diff 1.8.3

Save screen shots and track changes with graphical diff

209,058 下載

active_assets 1.1.3

A Railtie that provides an asset management system for css, javascript, and sprites in ...

194,886 下載

psd 3.9.0

Parse Photoshop PSD files with ease

191,023 下載

rqrcode-with-patches 0.6.0

rQRCode is a library for encoding QR Codes. The simple interface allows you to create Q...

178,898 下載

glimmer-dsl-libui 0.12.2

Glimmer DSL for LibUI (Fukuoka Award Winning Prerequisite-Free Ruby Desktop Development...

157,865 下載

high_five 0.3.23

Build, minify, and deal with different platforms and environments for your HTML5 app. ...

143,210 下載

pdf-417 0.9.5

Basic, text-only PDF-417 barcode generator.

138,996 下載

smartware 0.4.12

Smartware is the Smartkiosk hardware control daemon

128,489 下載

linner 0.12.0

HTML5 Application Assembler

126,698 下載

總下載次數 142,137,926

這個版本 38,459,978



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.0
