Dépendances inversées pour activemodel Latest version of the following gems require activemodel
cpf_validator 0.2.1
CPF validation for ActiveModel
1 424 073 Téléchargements
array_enum 1.6.0
Extension for ActiveRecord that adds support for PostgreSQL array columns, mapping stri...
1 418 515 Téléchargements
active_model-errors_details 1.3.1
Backported from Rails 5.0 to use with 4.x versions
1 405 897 Téléchargements
kredis 1.7.0
Higher-level data structures built on Redis.
1 388 898 Téléchargements
modis 4.3.2
ActiveModel + Redis
1 373 581 Téléchargements
cnpj_validator 0.3.2
CNPJ validation for ActiveModel
1 312 260 Téléchargements
phonie 3.3.1
Phone number parsing, validation and formatting
1 303 593 Téléchargements
neo4j 9.6.2
A Neo4j OGM (Object-Graph-Mapper) for Ruby heavily inspired by ActiveRecord.
1 239 224 Téléchargements
redirect_safely 1.0.0
Sanitize redirect_to URLs
1 219 002 Téléchargements
active_data 1.2.0
Making object from any hash or hash array
1 210 794 Téléchargements
banken 1.0.3
Banken provides a set of helpers which restricts what resources a given user is allowed...
1 203 054 Téléchargements
flexirest 1.12.5
Accessing REST services in a flexible way
1 091 911 Téléchargements
acts_as_api 1.0.1
acts_as_api enriches the models and controllers of your app in a rails-like way so you ...
1 068 703 Téléchargements
cfoundry 4.7.1
High-level library for working with the Cloud Foundry API.
1 052 206 Téléchargements
google_distance_matrix 0.7.1
Ruby client for The Google Distance Matrix API
965 905 Téléchargements
rubyzoho 0.5.0
A set of Ruby classes supporting the ActiveRecord lifecycle for the Zoho CRM API.
923 547 Téléchargements
cequel 3.2.1
Cequel is an ActiveRecord-like domain model layer for Cassandra that exposes the robust...
921 098 Téléchargements
active_zuora 2.6.0
ActiveZuora - Zuora API based on ActiveModel and auto-generated from your zuora.wsdl.
895 801 Téléchargements
graphiti 1.7.6
Easily build jsonapi.org-compatible APIs
892 496 Téléchargements
alchemy_cms 7.4.1
Alchemy is a powerful, userfriendly and flexible Rails CMS.
869 648 Téléchargements
govuk_design_system_formbuilder 5.8.0
This library provides view components for the GOV.UK Design System. It makes creating s...
790 189 Téléchargements
activeldap 7.2.1
'ActiveLdap' is a ruby library which provides a clean objected oriented interface t...
771 320 Téléchargements
trestle 0.10.1
Trestle is a modern, responsive admin framework for Ruby on Rails.
765 923 Téléchargements
ambry 1.0.0
Ambry is not an ORM, man! It's a database and ORM replacement for (mostly) static m...
764 728 Téléchargements
forestadmin-jsonapi-serializers 2.0.0.pre.beta.2
Pure Ruby readonly serializers for the JSON:API spec.
763 731 Téléchargements
activevalidators 6.0.0
ActiveValidators is a collection of ActiveModel/ActiveRecord validations
754 607 Téléchargements
active_model_attributes 1.6.0
ActiveModel extension with support for ActiveRecord-like Attributes API
751 665 Téléchargements
translate_enum 0.2.0
Simple, zero-dependant enum translation gem for Rails
745 362 Téléchargements
globalize3 0.3.1
Rails I18n de-facto standard library for ActiveRecord 3 model/data translation.
734 035 Téléchargements
active_model-better_errors 1.6.7
API consumable error messages with ActiveModel::Errors drop-in compatibility.
664 909 Téléchargements