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activemodel 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 activemodel

activerecord 8.0.2

Databases on Rails. Build a persistent domain model by mapping database tables to Ruby ...

628,988,648 下载

actionpack 8.0.2

Web apps on Rails. Simple, battle-tested conventions for building and testing MVC web a...

620,219,391 下载

rails 8.0.2

Ruby on Rails is a full-stack web framework optimized for programmer happiness and sust...

594,943,849 下载

actionview 8.0.2

Simple, battle-tested conventions and helpers for building web pages.

569,096,466 下载

web-console 4.2.1

A debugging tool for your Ruby on Rails applications.

127,598,797 下载

carrierwave 3.1.1

Upload files in your Ruby applications, map them to a range of ORMs, store them on diff...

113,838,502 下载

active_model_serializers 0.10.15

ActiveModel::Serializers allows you to generate your JSON in an object-oriented and con...

107,356,943 下载

activeresource 6.1.4

REST on Rails. Wrap your RESTful web app with Ruby classes and work with them like Acti...

81,273,928 下载

simple_form 5.3.1

Forms made easy!

77,965,097 下载

paperclip 6.1.0

Easy upload management for ActiveRecord

77,375,239 下载

activemodel-serializers-xml 1.0.3

XML serialization for your Active Model objects and Active Record models - extracted fr...

71,202,913 下载

validate_url 1.0.15

Library for validating urls in Rails.

66,401,604 下载

elasticsearch-model 8.0.0

ActiveModel/Record integrations for Elasticsearch.

64,876,282 下载

openid_connect 2.3.1

OpenID Connect Server & Client Library

59,815,724 下载

sequel 5.90.0

The Database Toolkit for Ruby

57,670,857 下载

state_machines-activemodel 0.9.0

Adds support for creating state machines for attributes on ActiveModel

56,550,848 下载

draper 4.0.4

Draper adds an object-oriented layer of presentation logic to your Rails apps.

47,447,504 下载

validate_email 0.1.6

Library for validating email addresses in Rails 3 models.

47,442,381 下载

devise-two-factor 6.1.0

Devise-Two-Factor is a minimalist extension to Devise which offers support for two-fact...

45,205,864 下载

rspec-sidekiq 5.1.0

Simple testing of Sidekiq jobs via a collection of matchers and helpers

43,565,420 下载

mongoid 9.0.6

Mongoid is an ODM (Object Document Mapper) Framework for MongoDB, written in Ruby.

40,991,905 下载

rspec-collection_matchers 1.2.1

Collection cardinality matchers, extracted from rspec-expectations

40,866,678 下载

valid_email 0.2.1

ActiveModel Validation for email

38,267,446 下载

rails-observers 0.1.5

Rails observer (removed from core in Rails 4.0)

34,189,643 下载

bootstrap_form 5.4.0

bootstrap_form is a rails form builder that makes it super easy to create beautiful-loo...

25,364,027 下载

email_validator 2.2.4

An email validator for Rails 3+. See homepage for details:

21,879,847 下载

rspec-activemodel-mocks 1.2.1

RSpec test doubles for ActiveModel and ActiveRecord

20,902,189 下载

asset_sync 2.19.2

After you run assets:precompile your compiled assets will be synchronised with your S3 ...

20,700,000 下载

searchkick 5.4.0

Intelligent search made easy with Rails and Elasticsearch or OpenSearch

19,617,559 下载

active_storage_validations 2.0.2

Validations for Active Storage (presence)

18,160,526 下载

下载总量 659,573,868

这个版本 62,599




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 3.2.0

新的版本需要开启多因素验证(MFA): true

使用多因素验证(MFA)发布的版本: true
