RubyGems Navigation menu


arukas 0.2.0

Arukas Ruby Client

5,248 下载

ar_ulid 0.1.0

Write a longer description or delete this line.

546 下载

arunconverter 0.1.0

Write a longer description or delete this line.

2,456 下载

arun_first_gem 0.0.1

The library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the si...

5,535 下载

ar_union 0.0.1

AR Relation patch allowing for chainable union scopes

3,715 下载

arun_second_gem 0.0.1

There is nothing worthy this gem is doing

5,489 下载

arun_test_gem 0.0.1

yes this is demo test.

4,016 下载

arunthampi-evented_net 0.1.2

Evented HTTP Library. Wraps Normal HTTP GET/POST calls to use evented calls if EventMac...

7,310 下载

arunthampi-friendly 0.5.1

NoSQL with MySQL in Ruby

6,186 下载

arunthampi-injour 0.2.3

Publish your statuses over Bonjour. A distributed approach to the In/Out app created by...

19,945 下载

arunthampi-memcached 0.17.4

Chu Yeow's fork of memcached which allows big-set and big-get

6,194 下载

arunthampi-supermodel 0.1.0

Sexy Semantics for any Ruby model/library that you want to create

4,135 下载

arusarka-dynamic-active-resource 0.2.6

A wrapper around active resource. Normally changing active resource attributes doesn't ...

42,134 下载

arusarka-mingle4r 0.2.7

A connector wrapper for connecting to Mingle(

26,427 下载

ar-uuid 0.2.3

Override migration methods to support UUID columns without having to be explicit about it.

261,172 下载

arux_app 3.0.2

Ruby gem for interacting with the Switchboard APIs.

7,237 下载

arvados 3.0.0

Arvados client library, git commit 950e76c1dc342ffe79080c9ef911e841675b7b0b

2,132,689 下载


Arvados command line tools, git commit e798e744da50df08df57a27383bdab807ccef8b4

2,319,724 下载


Fork of google-api-client used by Ruby-based Arvados components.

141,891 下载


Creates and updates local login accounts for Arvados users. Built from git commit e798e...

221,998 下载

ar-validations 1.1.0

This ActiveRecord extension provides more validation schemes. There are some useful val...

6,250 下载

ar-validations-json 0.0.1

Serializes ActiveRecord validations into JSON for use by rich-client apps.

5,488 下载

arver 0.2

Arver helps you to share access to LUKS devices easily and safely in a team

36,453 下载

arvicco-amqp 0.6.13

An implementation of the AMQP protocol in Ruby/EventMachine. Fork of original tmm1/amqp...

25,452 下载

arvicco-avalon 0.0.27

Avalon miners monitor

89,909 下载

ar_virtual_field 0.10.0

Adds .virtual_field method to make it easy to define virtual fields

1,893 下载

arvo-font-rails 0.0.2

Arvo font by Anton Koovit for rails asset pipeline

9,748 下载

arweave 1.1.0

Ruby SDK for Arweave decentralized services

10,966 下载

arwen 0.1.2

Arwen is a basic sitemap parser that auto detects sitemapindex and uses Typheous::Hydra...

6,256 下载

arx 1.3.0

A Ruby interface for querying academic papers on the arXiv search API.

23,550 下载