aws-sdk-ssooidc 1.24.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS SSO OIDC (SSO OIDC). This gem is part of the AWS SDK for ...
27,971,936 下載
aws-sdk-states 1.82.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Step Functions (AWS SFN). This gem is part of the AWS SDK...
78,117,903 下載
aws-sdk-storagegateway 1.101.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Storage Gateway. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.
74,636,128 下載
aws-sdk-sts 1.11.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Security Token Service (STS). STS is included as part of ...
7,183,760 下載
aws-sdk-supplychain 1.19.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Supply Chain. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.
1,813,226 下載
aws-sdk-support 1.71.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Support. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.
72,698,776 下載
aws-sdk-supportapp 1.27.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Support App (SupportApp). This gem is part of the AWS SDK...
11,361,686 下載
aws-sdk-swf 1.66.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Simple Workflow Service (Amazon SWF). This gem is part...
73,170,389 下載
aws-sdk-synthetics 1.57.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for Synthetics. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.
36,568,125 下載
aws-sdk-taxsettings 1.13.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for Tax Settings. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.
821,292 下載
aws-sdk-textract 1.70.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Textract. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.
53,785,652 下載
aws-sdk-timestreaminfluxdb 1.15.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for Timestream InfluxDB. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.
1,394,369 下載
aws-sdk-timestreamquery 1.46.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Timestream Query (Timestream Query). This gem is part ...
29,609,015 下載
aws-sdk-timestreamwrite 1.41.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Timestream Write (Timestream Write). This gem is part ...
29,565,065 下載
aws-sdk-tnb 1.25.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Telco Network Builder. This gem is part of the AWS SDK fo...
7,251,324 下載
aws-sdk-transcribeservice 1.110.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Transcribe Service. This gem is part of the AWS SDK fo...
72,247,913 下載
aws-sdk-transcribestreamingservice 1.72.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Transcribe Streaming Service. This gem is part of the ...
50,937,321 下載
aws-sdk-transfer 1.107.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Transfer Family (AWS Transfer). This gem is part of the A...
62,640,499 下載
aws-sdk-translate 1.77.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Translate. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.
71,855,725 下載
aws-sdk-trustedadvisor 1.17.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for TrustedAdvisor Public API. This gem is part of the AWS SDK fo...
2,829,194 下載
aws-sdk-utils 0.0.31
Low level utilities for dealing with AWS SDK
77,126 下載
aws-sdk-v1 1.67.0
Version 1 of the AWS SDK for Ruby. Available as both `aws-sdk` and `aws-sdk-v1`. Use `a...
58,051,221 下載
aws-sdk-v1-reinteractive 1.67.1
Version 1 of the AWS SDK for Ruby. Available as both `aws-sdk` and `aws-sdk-v1`. Use `a...
2,512 下載
aws-sdk-verifiedpermissions 1.37.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Verified Permissions. This gem is part of the AWS SDK ...
4,994,447 下載
aws-sdk-voiceid 1.37.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Voice ID. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.
20,347,125 下載
aws-sdk-vpclattice 1.24.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon VPC Lattice. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.
6,354,501 下載
aws-sdk-waf 1.73.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS WAF (WAF). This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.
75,596,610 下載
aws-sdk-wafregional 1.75.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS WAF Regional (WAF Regional). This gem is part of the AWS ...
72,846,324 下載
aws-sdk-wafv2 1.98.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS WAFV2 (WAFV2). This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.
42,079,663 下載
aws-sdk-wellarchitected 1.48.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Well-Architected Tool (Well-Architected). This gem is par...
28,242,218 下載