RubyGems Navigation menu

webmock 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 webmock

pwned 2.4.1

Tools to use the Pwned Passwords API.

3,370,635 下载

money-open-exchange-rates 1.4.2

A gem that calculates the exchange rate using published rates from open-exchange-rates....

3,339,226 下载

paypal-checkout-sdk 1.0.5

[Deprecated] This repository contains PayPal's Ruby SDK for Checkout REST API

3,292,912 下载

dependabot-common 0.263.0

Dependabot-Common provides the shared code used across Dependabot. If you want support ...

3,278,358 下载

hubspot-api-client 18.0.0

HubSpot Ruby API client

3,264,555 下载

quickbooks-ruby 2.0.3

QBO V3 REST API to Quickbooks Online

3,248,747 下载

docker_registry2 1.18.1

Docker v2 registry HTTP API client with support for token authentication

3,225,869 下载

discourse_api 2.0.1

Discourse API

3,211,685 下载

puppet-blacksmith 7.0.0

Puppet module tools for development and Puppet Forge management

3,196,449 下载

rdf 3.3.1

RDF.rb is a pure-Ruby library for working with Resource Description Framework (RDF) data.

3,196,275 下载

databasedotcom 1.3.5

[DEPRECATED] A ruby wrapper for the REST API. Try restforce instead: https://...

3,189,418 下载

omniauth-apple 1.3.0

OmniAuth strategy for Sign In with Apple

3,047,771 下载

omniauth-trello 0.0.4

OAuth 1.0 Strategy for Trello

2,997,162 下载

dependabot-omnibus 0.263.0

Dependabot-Omnibus provides all the gems included in Dependabot. Dependabot provides au...

2,970,678 下载

dependabot-terraform 0.263.0

Dependabot-Terraform provides support for bumping Terraform modules via Dependabot. If ...

2,939,152 下载

dependabot-docker 0.263.0

Dependabot-Docker provides support for bumping Docker image tags via Dependabot. If you...

2,923,383 下载

apple_id 1.6.4

with Apple backend library in Ruby.

2,923,198 下载

gist 6.0.0

Provides a single function (Gist.gist) that uploads a gist.

2,921,290 下载

dependabot-git_submodules 0.263.0

Dependabot-Git_Submodules provides support for bumping git submodules via Dependabot. I...

2,913,175 下载

dependabot-python 0.263.0

Dependabot-Python provides support for bumping Python packages via Dependabot. If you w...

2,902,469 下载

dependabot-nuget 0.263.0

Dependabot-Nuget provides support for bumping .NET (NuGet) packages via Dependabot. If ...

2,891,614 下载

dependabot-cargo 0.263.0

Dependabot-Cargo provides support for bumping Rust (cargo) crates via Dependabot. If yo...

2,888,086 下载

dependabot-elm 0.263.0

Dependabot-Elm provides support for bumping Elm packages via Dependabot. If you want su...

2,880,982 下载

mail_room 0.11.1

mail_room will proxy email (gmail) from IMAP to a delivery method

2,876,020 下载

dependabot-gradle 0.263.0

Dependabot-Gradle provides support for bumping Gradle packages via Dependabot. If you w...

2,869,959 下载

dependabot-maven 0.263.0

Dependabot-Maven provides support for bumping Maven packages via Dependabot. If you wan...

2,864,418 下载

nexpose 7.3.0

This gem provides a Ruby API to the Nexpose vulnerability management product by Rapid7.

2,845,611 下载

maxmind-geoip2 1.2.0

A gem for interacting with the GeoIP2 webservices and databases. MaxMind provides geolo...

2,823,024 下载

td-client 2.0.0

Treasure Data API library for Ruby

2,817,340 下载

dependabot-go_modules 0.263.0

Dependabot-Go_Modules provides support for bumping Go Modules versions via Dependabot. ...

2,797,118 下载

下载总量 265,415,561

这个版本 2,647,371



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.5
