RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para therubyracer La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren therubyracer

rake-pipeline-typescript 0.1.0

A typescript web filter for rake-pipeline

3.659 Descargas


Uses the actual JavaScript implementation of walrus.js, but supports using Ruby objects...

3.595 Descargas

jsh 0.0.1

Interactive shell for JavaScript which is written in Ruby.

3.589 Descargas

nodectl 0.2.4

Service management tool for distributed system node

3.574 Descargas

devise_users 0.0.1

Rails 4 engine for managing devise users

3.547 Descargas

help_engine 0.0.1

Adds a way of storing and view help texts

3.531 Descargas

js2json 0.1.0

It is a library to convert from JavaScript to JSON.

3.515 Descargas

deku 0.1.0

Ruby interface to Deku JavaScript library

3.304 Descargas

assets-publisher-for-hanami 2.0.0

Framework to define and publish assets on your Hanami application.

3.231 Descargas

tennpipes-su 3.6.6

Super User Application for super users

3.225 Descargas

rb_lunrjs 0.1.0

Writes a lunr.js index to JSON with Ruby.

3.198 Descargas

locomotivecms_mounter_pull_19 1.5.4

Mount any LocomotiveCMS site, from a template on the filesystem, a zip file or even an ...

3.128 Descargas

sassy-escape 1.0.0

Sass wrapper for a JavaScript library for escaping CSS strings and identifiers

3.121 Descargas

simple_admin_rails 0.0.1

Provides a simple, password protected, configurable, back-end interface to your ActiveR...

3.106 Descargas

sir 0.2.3

Run selenium tests with webkit. Headless.

3.105 Descargas

smart_management 0.0.1

SmartManagement is designed to be simple to use and to customize. It allows to crea...

3.081 Descargas

xat_support 1.29.3

Support to help you develop Zendesk Apps.

3.018 Descargas

bunto-lunr-js-search 3.3.0

Use lunr.js to provide simple full-text search, using JavaScript in your browser, for y...

2.653 Descargas

supplejack_api 1

Supplejack API

2.527 Descargas

alb3rtobr-test 1.0.1


2.481 Descargas

jekyll-lunr-js-search-hacked 3.3.0

Use lunr.js to provide simple full-text search, using JavaScript in your browser, for y...

2.419 Descargas

i-cms 0.1.0

iCMS - high-power CMS for developer and manager

2.419 Descargas

ecm_references 0.0.1.pre

References module for active admin.

2.296 Descargas

jekyll_lunrjs 1.0.1

Index LunarJs plugin for Jekyll

1.733 Descargas

Total de descargas 57.340.058

Para esta versión 31.817.117



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
