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string-cases 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 string-cases

http2 0.0.36

A lightweight framework for doing http-connections in Ruby. Supports cookies, keep-aliv...

233,602 下載

awesome_translations 0.0.66

Semi-automatic maintenance of most translations in a Rails app.

230,218 下載

baza 0.0.38

A database abstraction layer, model framework and database framework.

192,819 下載

html_gen 0.0.16

A small framework for generating HTML.

165,660 下載

baza_models 0.0.15

ActiveRecord like models for the Baza database framework

112,609 下載

genderize_io_rb 0.0.11

A small Gem that makes it possible to determine gender from a name via the

96,656 下載

auto_autoloader 0.0.5

Autoload constants in natural subfolders from the original class in Ruby with a single ...

88,750 下載

baza_migrations 0.0.2

Migrations support for the Baza database framework in Ruby.

61,297 下載

gettext_simple_rails 0.0.19

Inspects models and other modules to easily generate .po-files and translate them with ...

56,907 下載

ruby_process 0.0.13

A framework for spawning and communicating with other Ruby-processes

47,271 下載

rails_imager 0.0.30

Automatic resizing, bordering and more of images.

46,629 下載

apsis-on-steroids 0.0.13

A Ruby API for the Apsis mail service.

46,094 下載

active-record-data-tables 0.0.4

Helping functionality for filtering, sorting and stuff like that with data-tables and A...

30,144 下載

chatty 0.0.6

Making it easy to set it up a live chat on your website.

24,781 下載

agent_helpers 0.0.6

Inspects the user agent for you and allows you to take action based on the users browse...

21,539 下載

plugin_migrator 0.0.3

Migration of plugins DB migrations easily.

15,210 下載

paper_trail_changes 0.0.2

A gem to do various stuff with PaperTrail versions.

13,934 下載

translatable_menus 0.0.5

Easy to set up translatable menus in Rails with ActiveAdmin, Devise, Globalize and a co...

12,766 下載

thread_queues 0.0.3

Do thread-related work with BlockingQueue and BufferedQueue in Ruby.

9,794 下載

github_org_reports 0.0.1

A gem to generate organization reports based on pull requests and commits.

6,893 下載

simple_form_strong_parameters 0.0.2

Detecting inputs from simple form, saving them in a session in order to do automatic st...

5,488 下載

RubyProcess 0.0.12

A framework for spawning and communicating with other Ruby-processes

3,179 下載

總下載次數 281,095

這個版本 206,607



Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
