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spree_active_sale 1.0.6

Spree Active Sale makes it easy to handle flash sale/ daily deals behavior with in a spree application. By this, you can have a variant, product, or group number of products in a taxon, attach that variant, product, or taxon to a sale event with a start and end date for scheduling. So that, your sale event will only be available between the dates given and when the sale is gone(i.e. not live), it will not be accessible at any point till you create a new one or re-schedule the same.




  1. 2.0.0 - July 05, 2013 (24.5 KB)
  2. 1.3.2 - July 05, 2013 (24.5 KB)
  3. 1.3.1 - June 20, 2013 (24.5 KB)
  4. 1.3.0 - April 16, 2013 (22.5 KB)
  5. 1.0.6 - January 22, 2013 (9.5 KB)
显示所有版本 (共 7 个)

Runtime 依赖 (1):

spree_core ~> 1.3.0

Development 依赖 (8):

capybara ~> 2.0.2
factory_girl ~> 4.2.0
ffaker >= 0
guard-rspec ~> 2.3
rspec-rails ~> 2.9
sass-rails >= 0
sqlite3 >= 0



  • Surya Tripathi

SHA 256 校验和:


下载总量 14,410

这个版本 2,747



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 1.9.2
