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Reverse dependencies for sixarm_ruby_minitest_extensions Latest version of the following gems require sixarm_ruby_minitest_extensions

sixarm_ruby_numeric_percent 1.0.5

Numeric#percent method to calculate a percentage

5,717 下載

sixarm_ruby_http_status_codes 1.1.2

HTTP Status Codes as constants, such as Net::HTTP::Status::OK = 200

5,619 下載

sixarm_ruby_metric_names 1.1.2

Metric names for numbers, such as kilo, mega, giga

5,584 下載

sixarm_ruby_google_maps_api 2.0.1

Use the Google Maps API to geocode an address to a latitude and longitude

5,364 下載

sixarm_ruby_date_time_rand 2.0.2

Adds extensions for DateTime#rand, Date#rand, Time#rand

5,306 下載

sixarm_ruby_yaml_load_glob 2.0.2

Extends YAML with #load_glob_documents and #load_glob_keys

4,954 下載

sixarm_ruby_sign_out 1.2.0

Sign Out abstraction for a typical web app user

4,725 下載

sixarm_ruby_sign_in 1.2.0

Sign In abstraction for a typical web app user

4,722 下載

sixarm_ruby_rails_dark_sky_api 1.1.0

Dark Sky API gem to get weather forecasts

4,405 下載

sixarm_ruby_colorful 3.0.0

Generate plausible color names, such as "Bright Red", "Vivid Green", "Deep Blue"

3,736 下載

sixarm_ruby_equal_instance_variables 2.0.0

Define the `==` method to compare two objects' classes, instance variables, and their v...

3,638 下載

sixarm_ruby_file_rewrite 2.0.0

File#rewrite method to safely write a tempfile then move it over an existing file

3,585 下載

sixarm_ruby_zid 6.0.0

ZID generates a new random id, suitable for foreign keys, security authentication, uniq...

3,488 下載

sixarm_ruby_integer_map 2.0.0

Integer#map method to run a block multiple times

2,650 下載

sixarm_ruby_date_time_random 3.0.0

Adds extensions for DateTime#random, Date#random, Time#random

2,266 下載

sixarm_ruby_sign_in_simple 1.2.0

Sign In methods for a simple sessions in a Rails application

2,224 下載

sixarm_ruby_sign_out_simple 1.2.0

Sign Out methods for a a simple session in a Rails application

2,223 下載

sixarm_ruby_xhr_to_xml 1.0.7

XHR to XML request format changer for Ruby On Rails, JQuery, AJAX

2,217 下載

sixarm_ruby_active_record_migration_mock 2.1.0

ActiveRecord migration mock object for testing

2,164 下載

sixarm_ruby_string_index_after 1.0.0

String#index_after method to find the index positon after a match

2,051 下載

sixarm_ruby_string_replace_between 1.0.0

String#replace_between method to find the index positon after a match

2,046 下載

總下載次數 21,542

這個版本 2,317


Apache-2.0, Artistic-2.0, BSD-3-Clause, GPL-3.0, MIT, MPL-2.0

Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.5
