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simple_form 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 simple_form

rails-jquery-autocomplete 1.0.5

Use jQuery's autocomplete plugin with Rails 4+.

3,813,564 下载


This gem embeddes the jQuery colorpicker in the Rails asset pipeline.

3,194,475 下载

client_side_validations-simple_form 16.0.0

SimpleForm Plugin for ClientSideValidations

1,858,972 下载

rails3-jquery-autocomplete 1.0.15

Use jQuery's autocomplete plugin with Rails 3.

1,689,171 下载

trix-rails 2.4.0

A rich text editor for everyday writing

1,377,900 下载

rails4-autocomplete 1.1.1

Use jQuery's autocomplete plugin with Rails 4.

875,665 下载

trix 0.11.1

A rich text editor for everyday writing

862,306 下载

alchemy_cms 7.3.4

Alchemy is a powerful, userfriendly and flexible Rails CMS.

853,559 下载

rails_db 2.4.4

Quick way to inspect your Rails database, see content of tables, filter, export them to...

617,802 下载

hydra-editor 6.3.0

A basic metadata editor for hydra-head

344,917 下载

tramway-core 5.0

Core for all Tramway Rails Engines

330,886 下载

simple_form-tailwind 0.1.1

A generator to add a simple_form config setup for tailwindCSS based forms

310,369 下载

dorsale 4.0.0

Run your own business.

306,549 下载

rocket_cms_activerecord 0.37.2

RocketCMS - ActiveRecord metapackage

304,412 下载

renalware-core 2.1.1

Renalware uses demographic, clinical, pathology, and nephrology datasets to improve pat...

303,056 下载

rocket_cms_mongoid 0.37.2

RocketCMS - Mongoid metapackage

301,020 下载

enju_biblio 0.3.18

Bibliographic record module for Next-L Enju

298,367 下载

kuhsaft 2.6.3

Kuhsaft is a Rails engine that offers a simple CMS.

293,966 下载

apiotics 0.2.30


289,476 下载

simple_form_ransack 0.0.21

Makes it easy to use SimpleForm::FormBuilder with Ransack without constantly having to ...

231,890 下载

browsercms 3.5.7

BrowserCMS is a general purpose, open source Web Content Management System (CMS) that s...

226,781 下载

pulitzer 0.15.31

A content management system that works with your view templates. Keep the presses hot!

221,793 下载

brightcontent-core 2.6.0

Brightcontent core

189,937 下载

simple_form_fancy_uploads 0.5.0

Use simple_form (>= v2.0) custom inputs to get image previews or a link to uploaded fil...

189,273 下载

effective_form_inputs 1.5.0

Collection of Form Inputs

189,257 下载

user_time_zone 0.0.2

Use jstz to select an initial timezone during user sign ups.

186,942 下载

simple_form_extension 1.5.1

The following custom Simple Form inputs are available : boolean, collection_check_boxes...

186,017 下载

templus_models 3.0.21

Easy CRUD generator for Rails Projects

182,663 下载

optimacms 0.4.3

CMS on Ruby on Rails

180,469 下载

failuregem 1.4

A simple Gem that includes everything you need to start right away with Rails programmi...

176,375 下载

下载总量 75,685,429

这个版本 1,617,119




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.5.0
