Dependencias inversas para simple_form La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren simple_form
inventory_manager 0.0.8
Description of InventoryManager.
3.309 Descargas
simple_admin_rails 0.0.1
Provides a simple, password protected, configurable, back-end interface to your ActiveR...
3.184 Descargas
smart_management 0.0.1
SmartManagement is designed to be simple to use and to customize. It allows to crea...
3.165 Descargas
simple_form_unique 0.0
Sets a form to invalid if a value entered into the specified input is not unique among ...
3.158 Descargas
brilliant_cms 0.0.1
Description of BrilliantCms.
3.154 Descargas
weixin_pam 0.0.1
With this engine, you can manage multiple Weixin Public Accounts
3.079 Descargas
ckpages 0.1.1
2.865 Descargas
lo-suspenders 2.1.2
A fork of the thoughbot suspenders gem.
2.821 Descargas
forest_cms 0.98.1
Forest is a flexible Ruby on Rails CMS that makes maintaining an application easy for c...
2.769 Descargas
activeadmin_simple_form 0.1.0
An Active Admin plugin to use Simple Form in place of Formtastic in edit views
2.754 Descargas
ardent_admin 0.1.0
Ardent Digital styled admin interface.
2.739 Descargas
corzinus 0.1.0
Simple cart-checkout for your store
2.722 Descargas
caring_form 1.2.3
Build clean, robust and consistent forms for
2.721 Descargas
simple_form_bootstrap_inputs 0.1.0
Provides date, currency and date_time inputs for SimpleForm and Bootstrap
2.664 Descargas
base-project 0.1.0
Base definitions for a project. Contains lots of usable reusables
2.626 Descargas
journea 0.1.0
Journea uses a state machine and simple form to simplify creating style smart an...
2.602 Descargas
supplejack_api 1
Supplejack API
2.599 Descargas
surveillance 0.1.1
Allows you to give your users the ability to create polls in your Rails app
2.553 Descargas
gera 0.3.4
Rails On Rails engine to import and generate currency rates
2.500 Descargas
contact_us_website 0.4.4.beta
Adding 'Website' field to the contact form.
2.485 Descargas
asset_host_core 2.0.0.beta
One-stop-shop for media asset management, designed for a newsroom environment.
2.454 Descargas
dotreverse 0.0.1
Practice gem -- not for actual use: Reverses strings
2.424 Descargas
pure-admin-rails 2.0.0
A simple admin theme for Pure CSS
2.394 Descargas
simple_ace_input 0.0.1.rc
Turns a simple_form textarea into an ACE editor.
2.385 Descargas
enju_trunk_message 0.1.14.pre3
Message management for Enju Trunk
2.369 Descargas
fae-railsz 2.1.0
CMS for Rails. For Reals.
2.333 Descargas
seamess 0.1.0
A Contemporary Content Management System
2.317 Descargas
argon_admin 0.1.0
Generates admin panel based on Argon Dashboard for Bootstrap 4 by Creative Tim. Project...
2.305 Descargas
mechanical 0.1.0
Dynamic forms, schema, everything stored in DB
2.295 Descargas
dark_horizontal_template_minton 0.1.0
Template Dark Horizontal Minton for AdminPage.
2.243 Descargas