rufo 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 rufo
thicket 0.1.8
Git's default log command gets the job done, but its formatting capabilities sometimes ...
15,562 下載
victor-cli 0.3.8
CLI for Victor, the SVG Library
13,914 下載
graphiti-openapi 0.1.7
OpenAPI 3.0 specification for your (Graphiti) JSON:API
11,980 下載
list_to_columns 1.2.0
Given an Array of Strings, it formats it into columns to make it more compact for termi...
9,907 下載
ruby_crystal_codemod 0.1.3
Attempts to transpile Ruby code into Crystal code
7,160 下載
fixings 0.1.2
Easy rails setup with infrastructure and a bunch of handy correctness pieces
5,834 下載
hsbc_pdf_statement_parser 2.0.1
Quick and dirty RubyGem to parse HSBC’s statement PDFs
5,451 下載
Segmentor creates slices from your data that can be used for notifications
4,704 下載
mediaarts_scraper 0.1.0
Ruby scraper implementation for
4,169 下載
ruby_uml_class 0.5.0
Create a Ruby UML class diagram with PlangUml.
4,020 下載
devloop 0.1.5
Devloop is an automated Rspec runner for Rails app. The purpose of this tool is to prov...
3,948 下載
xfcc_parser_ruby 0.1.2
Envoy x-forwarded-client-cert (XFCC) parser written in Rust for Ruby
3,907 下載
xfcc_parser_ruby 0.1.2
Envoy x-forwarded-client-cert (XFCC) parser written in Rust for Ruby
3,907 下載
xfcc_parser_ruby 0.1.2
Envoy x-forwarded-client-cert (XFCC) parser written in Rust for Ruby
3,907 下載
pg-locks-monitor 0.3.2
This gem allows to monitor and notify about PostgreSQL database locks which meet certai...
3,885 下載
data_model 0.6.1
A framework for describing and validating data.
3,827 下載
pocketwatch 0.1.1
A clone of UNIX 'watch'.
3,725 下載
jekyll-sheafy 0.3.0
This Jekyll plugin is heavily inspired by Gerby, the tool used to build the Stacks Proj...
3,574 下載
zae 0.8.7
One runner to handle them, package managers, all.
2,782 下載
fake_faker 0.1.0
A Faker V2 wrapper to provide Faker V1 interface.
2,616 下載
adx_toolkit 0.0.1
Toolkit for Core ADX
2,441 下載
u2fhost 1.0.0
Ruby bindings for libu2f-host
2,401 下載
qas 1.5.1
Easily manage floss repositories.
2,188 下載
dbg-rb 0.2.8
Rust-inspired, puts debugging helper, adding caller info and optional coloring.
1,996 下載
ldbws 1.0.3
Interface to the Network Rail OpenLDBS web service
1,882 下載
jekyll-agda 0.1.0
This Jekyll plugin allows to you write literate Agda. It will compile your code using A...
1,547 下載
cron-table 0.4
Simple system to schedule recurring jobs for Rails
1,256 下載
feedback 0.0.12
This simple tool allows to run apps tests based on current git diff output.
1,139 下載
rails-sqlite-extras 0.1.2
Helper queries providing insights into the Sqlite database for Rails apps.
844 下載
cache_failover 0.2.0
This gem enables automatic failover to a secondary caching method when the primary fails.
735 下載