RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para rubygems-tasks La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren rubygems-tasks

itunes_receipt_decoder 0.3.1

Decode iTunes OS X and iOS receipts without remote server-side validation by using ...

169.833 Descargas

rev-api 2.5.0

Communicate with API using plain Ruby objects without bothering about HTTP

167.809 Descargas

ffi-bit_masks 0.1.1

FFI plugin which adds support for bitmasked types (or flags) to FFI.

164.156 Descargas

hm 0.0.4

Hm is a library for clean, idiomatic and chainable processing of complicated Ruby struc...

146.273 Descargas

ffi-compiler2 2.3.0

Ruby FFI library

145.920 Descargas

contextio 2.0.0

Provides Ruby interface to Context.IO

145.376 Descargas

occi-core 5.0.4

The rOCCI toolkit is a collection of classes simplifying implementation of Open Cloud C...

144.922 Descargas

env 0.3.0

Provides a Ruby interface to common environment variables, used on Windows, Linux, BSD ...

133.610 Descargas

cicd-builder 0.9.64

Jenkins builder task for Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery artifact promotion ...

120.864 Descargas

expect 0.0.13

Expectation library with some matchers for Ruby.

115.188 Descargas

occi-api 4.3.15

This gem provides ready-to-use client classes to simplify the integration of OCCI into ...

112.956 Descargas

dsl_maker 1.0.1

Easy multi-level DSLs, built on top of Docile

108.282 Descargas

passive_record 0.4.15

lightweight in-memory simplified subset of AR

105.343 Descargas

time_ago_in_words 0.1.1

Humanize elapsed time from some Time instance to, e.g. '2 hours and 1 minute ago'

104.138 Descargas

tanker-identity 3.3.0

Building blocks to add Tanker identity management to your application server

99.711 Descargas

daru-view 0.2.6

Daru (Data Analysis in RUby) is a library for analysis, manipulation and visualizatio...

94.355 Descargas

occi-cli 4.3.10

This gem is a client implementation of the Open Cloud Computing Interface in Ruby

91.384 Descargas

manifest-builder 0.7.5

Repo builder of the software manifest.yml for Continuous Integration/Continuous Deliver...

91.096 Descargas

epub-cfi 0.1.3

Parser and builder implementation for EPUB CFI defined at

89.261 Descargas

knife-chop 0.12.18

Knife plugin to assist with the upload and sync of Chef server assets like roles, envir...

82.514 Descargas

itunes_receipt_validator 0.0.7

Validate iTunes Transaction and Unified style receipts with local decoding and remo...

82.034 Descargas

slacken 0.1.6

Translate HTML sources to markup texts for slack

81.886 Descargas

parameters 0.4.4

Parameters allows you to add annotated variables to your classes which may have configu...

81.690 Descargas

mina-hooks 0.2.1

Mina plugin to provide local task hooks that run before and after the mina commands.

81.168 Descargas

chefrepo-builder 0.9.44

Jenkins builder task for Chef repository for Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery...

77.675 Descargas

metacosm 0.3.8

pure Ruby functional-reactive simulation metaframework

77.022 Descargas

infopark-politics 0.9.2

Algorithms and Tools for Distributed Computing in Ruby.

73.406 Descargas

webhook_system 2.4.1

A pluggable webhook subscription system

68.413 Descargas

simple-form-datepicker 0.1.3

Datepicker inputs for SimpleForm.

66.926 Descargas

yard-spellcheck 0.1.5

Adds the 'spellcheck' command to YARD, which will spellcheck every docstring within you...

66.181 Descargas

Total de descargas 401.475

Para esta versión 17.401



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.0.0
