RubyGems Navigation menu

rubocop 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 rubocop

omniauth-atlassian-oauth2 0.2.0

An Atlassian OAuth2 strategy for OmniAuth 1.x. This allows you to login to Atlassian wi...

19,366,597 下載

site_prism 5.0.3

SitePrism gives you a simple, clean and semantic DSL for describing your site. SitePris...

19,188,852 下載

meta_request 0.8.2

Supporting gem for Rails Panel (Google Chrome extension for Rails development)

19,022,621 下載

crystalball 0.7.0

Provides simple way to integrate regression test selection approach to your RSpec test ...

18,683,791 下載

semaphore_test_boosters 2.7.1

Gem for auto-parallelizing builds across Semaphore jobs.

18,623,462 下載

asciidoctor-kroki 0.10.0

An extension for Asciidoctor to convert diagrams to images using

18,611,876 下載

i18n-tasks 1.0.14

i18n-tasks helps you find and manage missing and unused translations. It analyses code...

18,593,652 下載

scout_apm 5.3.8

Monitors Ruby apps and reports detailed metrics on performance to Scout.

18,498,160 下載

sys-proctable 1.3.0

The sys-proctable library provides an interface for gathering information about pro...

18,269,917 下載

exception_notification 4.5.0

Exception notification for Rails apps

18,036,418 下載

diplomat 2.6.4

Diplomat is a simple wrapper for Consul

18,009,188 下載

hangouts-chat 0.1.0

Send messages to G Suite Hangouts Chat rooms using incoming webhooks and Net::HTTP::Post

17,981,275 下載

rubocop-gitlab-security 0.1.1

Basic security checking for Ruby files. A plugin for the RuboCop code style enforcing &...

17,979,370 下載

standard 1.39.0

Ruby Style Guide, with linter & automatic code fixer

17,961,295 下載

winrm 2.3.6

Ruby library for Windows Remote Management

17,949,637 下載

popper_js 2.11.8

Works with Rails out of the box.

17,748,128 下載

gettext-setup 1.1.0

A gem to ease i18n

17,705,021 下載

sys-cpu 1.1.0

The sys-cpu library provides an interface for gathering information about your syst...

17,656,897 下載

u2f 1.0.0

Library for handling registration and authentication of U2F devices

17,557,924 下載

sensu-plugin 4.0.0

Plugins and helper libraries for Sensu, a monitoring framework

16,839,288 下載

opentelemetry-api 1.2.5

A stats collection and distributed tracing framework

16,660,983 下載

omniauth_openid_connect 0.7.1

OpenID Connect Strategy for OmniAuth.

16,550,974 下載

opentelemetry-sdk 1.4.1

A stats collection and distributed tracing framework

16,542,662 下載

rubocop-minitest 0.35.0

Automatic Minitest code style checking tool. A RuboCop extension focused on enforcing M...

16,052,431 下載

opentelemetry-common 0.21.0

Common helpers for OpenTelemetry

15,821,661 下載

activerecord-postgis-adapter 9.0.2

ActiveRecord connection adapter for PostGIS. It is based on the stock PostgreSQL adapte...

15,560,701 下載

smarter_csv 1.10.3

Ruby Gem for smarter importing of CSV Files as Array(s) of Hashes, with optional featur...

15,535,239 下載

pdf-inspector 1.3.0

This library provides a number of PDF::Reader[0] based tools for use in testing PDF out...

15,409,081 下載

imagen 0.1.8

Codebase as structure of locatable classes and methods based on the Ruby AST

15,360,391 下載

rubocop-rake 0.6.0

A RuboCop plugin for Rake

15,336,850 下載

總下載次數 431,191,630

這個版本 1,973,484



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.7.0

新版本需要 MFA: true

使用 MFA 發布的版本: true
