RubyGems Navigation menu

rubocop 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 rubocop

sensu-plugins-network-checks 5.0.0

This plugin provides native network instrumentation for m...

5,483,687 下載

appium_lib 15.1.0

Ruby library for Appium.

5,478,518 下載

opentelemetry-instrumentation-sinatra 0.24.0

Sinatra instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework

5,449,349 下載

prawn-templates 0.1.2

A extention to prawn that allows to include other pdfs either as background to write up...

5,445,490 下載

opentelemetry-instrumentation-active_model_serializers 0.20.1

Active Model Serializers instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework

5,421,028 下載

fastlane-plugin-increment_version_code 0.4.3

Increment the version code of your android project.

5,402,927 下載

gooddata-dss-jdbc 0.2.9

Starting with DSS is as easy as require 'jdbc/dss'; Jdbc::DSS.load_driver. Install dss-...

5,402,198 下載

acts_as_votable 0.14.0

Rails gem to allowing records to be votable

5,392,486 下載

opentelemetry-instrumentation-bunny 0.21.4

Bunny instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework

5,372,336 下載

iso-639 0.3.6

ISO 639-1 and ISO 639-2 language code entries and convenience methods.

5,358,867 下載

capybara-selenium 0.0.6

Dead-simple way to make Capybara and Selenium play together

5,317,481 下載

sensu-plugins-cpu-checks 4.1.0

This plugin provides native CPU instrumentation for monit...

5,281,048 下載

standard-custom 1.0.2

Plugin containing implementations of custom cops that are bundled as defaults in Standa...

5,270,426 下載

opentelemetry-instrumentation-mongo 0.22.3

Mongo instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework

5,268,318 下載

suo 0.4.0

Distributed locks (mutexes & semaphores) using Memcached or Redis.

5,251,890 下載

sorcery 0.17.0

Provides common authentication needs such as signing in/out, activating by email and re...

5,192,594 下載

image_optim_pack 0.11.1

Precompiled binaries for image_optim: advpng, gifsicle, jhead, jpeg-recompress, jpegopt...

5,104,061 下載

image_optim_pack 0.11.1

Precompiled binaries for image_optim: advpng, gifsicle, jhead, jpeg-recompress, jpegopt...

5,104,061 下載

image_optim_pack 0.11.1

Precompiled binaries for image_optim: advpng, gifsicle, jhead, jpeg-recompress, jpegopt...

5,104,061 下載

rpush 7.0.1

The push notification service for Ruby.

5,093,787 下載

appium_lib_core 9.1.3

Minimal Ruby library for Appium.

5,036,535 下載

opentelemetry-instrumentation-all 0.62.0

All-in-one instrumentation bundle for the OpenTelemetry framework

5,027,605 下載

sensu-plugins-load-checks 5.1.0

This plugin provides native load instrumentation for moni...

4,999,165 下載

danger-junit 1.0.2

Get automatic inline test reporting for JUnit-conforming XML files.

4,989,757 下載

opentelemetry-instrumentation-koala 0.20.5

Koala instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework

4,982,989 下載

opentelemetry-instrumentation-lmdb 0.22.2

LMDB instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework

4,970,315 下載

opentelemetry-instrumentation-que 0.8.2

Que instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework

4,928,315 下載

optimizely-sdk 5.0.1

A Ruby SDK for use with Optimizely Feature Experimentation, Optimizely Full Stack (lega...

4,918,490 下載

fastlane-plugin-versioning_android 0.1.1

Android Versioning Plugin for Fastlane

4,917,152 下載

jekyll-remote-theme 0.4.3

Jekyll plugin for building Jekyll sites with any GitHub-hosted theme

4,822,219 下載

總下載次數 434,664,644

這個版本 2,973,393



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.7.0

新版本需要 MFA: true

使用 MFA 發布的版本: true
