railties 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 railties
activerecord-session_store 2.1.0
An Action Dispatch session store backed by an Active Record class.
41,189,151 下载
money-rails 1.15.0
This library provides integration of RubyMoney - Money gem with Rails
39,668,156 下载
activeadmin 3.3.0
The administration framework for Ruby on Rails.
38,396,707 下载
slim-rails 3.7.0
Provides the generator settings required for Rails to use Slim
36,047,084 下载
letter_opener_web 3.0.0
Gives letter_opener an interface for browsing sent emails
36,041,405 下载
rails-observers 0.1.5
Rails observer (removed from core in Rails 4.0)
34,194,050 下载
rswag-ui 2.16.0
Expose beautiful API documentation, powered by Swagger JSON endpoints, including a UI t...
31,814,101 下载
rswag-api 2.16.0
Open up your API to the phenomenal OpenAPI ecosystem by exposing OpenAPI files, that de...
31,487,652 下载
react-rails 3.2.1
Render components in views or controller actions. Server-side rendering powered by Exec...
31,384,022 下载
Moment.js is a lightweight javascript date library for parsing, manipulating, and forma...
31,022,324 下载
stimulus-rails 1.3.4
A modest JavaScript framework for the HTML you already have.
30,676,871 下载
peek 1.1.0
Take a peek into your Rails application.
30,626,700 下载
scenic 1.8.0
Adds methods to ActiveRecord::Migration to create and manage database views in Rails
30,293,905 下载
rswag-specs 2.16.0
Simplify API integration testing with a succinct rspec DSL and generate OpenAPI specifi...
30,113,263 下载
cucumber-rails 3.1.1
Cucumber Generator and Runtime for Rails
28,716,726 下载
data_migrate 11.2.0
Rake tasks to migrate data alongside schema changes.
25,302,442 下载
importmap-rails 2.1.0
Use ESM with importmap to manage modern JavaScript in Rails without transpiling or bund...
23,710,062 下载
aws-sdk-rails 5.1.0
Integrates the AWS SDK for Ruby with Ruby on Rails
23,107,924 下载
default_value_for 4.1.1
The default_value_for plugin allows one to define default values for ActiveRecord model...
23,026,428 下载
bootstrap 5.3.3
The most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile ...
21,219,542 下载
meta_request 0.8.5
Supporting gem for Rails Panel (Google Chrome extension for Rails development)
20,590,715 下载
rails_autolink 1.1.8
This is an extraction of the `auto_link` method from rails. The `auto_link` method was ...
18,554,571 下载
cssbundling-rails 1.4.3
Bundle and process CSS with Tailwind, Bootstrap, PostCSS, Sass in Rails via Node.js.
18,482,234 下载
vite_rails 3.0.19
Use Vite in Rails and bring joy to your JavaScript experience
18,282,843 下载
quiet_assets 1.1.0
Quiet Assets turns off Rails asset pipeline log.
17,941,524 下载
roadie-rails 3.3.0
Hooks Roadie into your Rails application to help with email generation.
17,575,579 下载
cloudinary 2.3.0
Client library for easily using the Cloudinary service
16,454,082 下载
jquery-fileupload-rails 1.0.0
jQuery File Upload by Sebastian Tschan integrated for Rails 3.1+ Asset Pipeline
15,619,096 下载
meta-tags 2.22.1
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) plugin for Ruby on Rails applications.
15,602,275 下载
minitest-spec-rails 7.4.1
The minitest-spec-rails gem makes it easy to use the \ Minitest::S...
14,958,688 下载