RubyGems Navigation menu

oauth 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 oauth

akane 0.4.2

Log the timeline

21,834 下載

tjplurk 1.4.4

Plurk API Wrapper

21,788 下載

ezlinkedin 0.5.3

A simple way to make calls on Linkedin's API

21,768 下載

jumpstart_auth 0.6.0

Simplifies authenticating to online services.

21,538 下載

cs 0.2.1

CommonSense API client library

21,403 下載

household_people_and_contributions 0.1.0

Extract GSP Data from Fellowshipone

21,296 下載

smartfm 1.0.2

A rubygem for APIs

21,060 下載

headsail 0.1.16

Automated API data retrieval and storage.

20,741 下載

aeolus-image 0.7.0

aeolus-image is a Ruby library used by Conductor to connect with Image Factory and Imag...

20,297 下載

oa_test 0.0.6

OAuth mini test for yahoo property

20,157 下載

foreverman-authlogic-connect 0.0.6

Oauth and OpenID made dead simple

20,140 下載

knife-maas 2.1.0

A knife plugin to interact with MAAS

20,121 下載

sredder 0.0.8

Sred the gnarl of tracking the wriketious deeds.

19,999 下載

flickrrb 2.1

A simple interface to the Flickr public API.

19,831 下載

signatory 0.0.8

Signatory provides a simple wrapper around the RightSignature API.

19,820 下載

allplayers 0.1.5

A Ruby interface to the AllPlayers API.

19,768 下載

desmos 0.2.2

Desmos API Wrapper

19,570 下載

twitterpunch 0.0.9

Twitterpunch =============== Twitterpunch is designed to work with PhotoBooth and OS X...

19,326 下載

twittbot 0.6.0

Twittbot is an advanced Twitter bot. See the README for more info.

18,765 下載

apple_dep_client 2.2.3

This gem provides an easy way to authenticate and interact with Apple's Device Enrollme...

18,501 下載

acts_as_oauth_accessible 0.1.0

Rails plugin that enables your models to access OAuth services

18,267 下載

google_calendar_api_v2 0.1.3

Work with Google Calendar using GData 2.0 + OAuth 1.0

17,961 下載

drogus-opensocial 0.0.5

OpenSocial Google Gem. Gemified by Robert R Evans

17,865 下載

linkedin-idkmybffjill 0.2.3

Ruby wrapper for the LinkedIn API

17,724 下載

twiauth 0.1.0

simple twitter authentication wrapper

17,658 下載

toopher_api 1.0.5

Synchronous interface to the authentication api.

17,424 下載

pelle-oauth-plugin 0.3.11

Rails plugin for implementing an OAuth Provider or Consumer

17,351 下載

rav-meser-api 1.0.11

Rav Meser API Ruby

16,704 下載

rav-meser-api 1.0.11

Rav Meser API Ruby

16,704 下載

user_reviews 0.0.13

Wrapper for mulitple user review APIs

16,593 下載

總下載次數 118,333,447

這個版本 5,692,974



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.7

新版本需要 MFA: true

使用 MFA 發布的版本: true
