RubyGems Navigation menu

oauth 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 oauth

oauth-cli 0.0.8

A simple CLI client to test your oauth API easily

29,426 下載

twitterstream 0.2.1

It is the simple library to access the Twitter Streaming API(

29,389 下載

intuit_ids_aggcat 0.0.8

Provides a wrapped for the IPP AggCat interfaces

29,343 下載

oauth-client 0.1.0

Generic OAuth Client for Ruby, based on moomerman/twitter_oauth

29,312 下載

muddyit_fu 0.2.14

Provides a ruby interface to

29,139 下載

media_monster_client 2.0.7

client gem for media monster app

29,045 下載

tweetline 0.0.9

Tweetline is a command line Twitter client for those who can't imagine a better interfa...

28,226 下載

yammer4r 0.1.5

Yammer4R provides an object based API to query or update your Yammer account via pure R...

28,005 下載

misfit_gem 0.1.2

A client library to retrieve data from misfit shine

27,580 下載

tripit 0.4.0

The entire TripIt API encapsulated in Ruby objects

27,455 下載

tog-tog 0.5.4

extensible open source social network platform

26,243 下載

broadcast 0.3.0

A broadcasting microframework making publishing of messages to different services easy

26,201 下載

readability-engine 0.0.8

This gem/engine allows you to access Readability APIs.

25,935 下載

xero_gateway-float 2.1.7

Enables ruby based applications to communicate with the Xero API

25,810 下載

warden_oauth_provider 1.0.7

Warden strategy for OAuth provider

25,673 下載

tuiter 0.0.7

Yet another Twitter API wrapper library in Ruby

24,727 下載

douban-ruby 0.0.10

Douban API reference:

24,669 下載

nov-iknow 0.2.4

A rubygem for iKnow! APIs

24,488 下載

xero 0.0.7

Library for communicating with the xero API

24,400 下載

linkedin-drspin 0.3.6

Ruby wrapper for the LinkedIn API

24,323 下載

lolcommits-twitter 0.5.0

Automatically tweet your lolcommits

24,183 下載

grailbird_updater 0.5.1

Twitter now allows you to download your tweets. This tool lets you keep that archive up...

23,375 下載

hayesdavis-grackle 0.1.4

Grackle is a lightweight library for the Twitter REST and Search API.

23,310 下載

lolcommits-tumblr 0.5.1

A simple plugin to post lolcommits to your Tumblr. Configure it with a Tumblr access ...

23,287 下載

mil-ims-lti 1.2.2

Ruby library for creating IMS LTI tool providers and consumers

23,160 下載

katello_api 0.0.8

Helps you to use Katello's API calls from your app

23,061 下載

cablegator 1.0.0

Downloads Wikileaks Cables to current directory

22,921 下載

miiCardConsumers 2.6.0

A simple wrapper library around the miiCard API that makes calling into it easier - jus...

22,617 下載

stackmob 0.1.3

Support Gem for StackMob Heroku Add-On

22,617 下載

f1api 0.10.0

Consumes the Fellowship One API in your apps using ActiveResource. Implements 2nd part...

22,084 下載

總下載次數 118,247,408

這個版本 5,669,385



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.7

新版本需要 MFA: true

使用 MFA 發布的版本: true
