RubyGems Navigation menu

Reverse dependencies for neo4j Latest version of the following gems require neo4j

graph_starter 0.16.2

A Rails engine to get a UI for a Neo4j up and running quickly

143,113 下載

devise-neo4j 2.1.1

Neo4j integration with the Devise authentication framework

102,497 下載

bitcoin2graphdb 0.4.1

A tool for import Bitcoin blockchain data into neo4j database.

78,006 下載

kaminari-neo4j 0.0.4

Adds Neo4j support to kaminari

66,981 下載

neo4j-rspec 0.2.7

RSpec matchers for Neo4j.rb

58,895 下載

carrierwave-neo4j 3.0.0

Neo4j support for Carrierwave

58,531 下載

geoff 0.2.6

Geoff syntax builder and Neo4j batch importer

49,757 下載

neo4jrb-paperclip 0.0.4

Neo4jrb::Paperclip enables you to use Paperclip with Neo4j.rb

41,164 下載

neo4j-meta_model 0.4.0

A Rails Engine to administer Neo4j models

31,945 下載

neo4j-spatial 0.0.8

Neo4j-Spatial adds GIS and spatial analysis capabilities to the Neo4j Graph Database. T...

23,128 下載

logstash-input-neo4j 2.0.8

This gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...

16,147 下載

logstash-output-neo4j 2.0.5

This gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...

15,115 下載

neo4j-will_paginate 0.2.1

Integration between neo4j.rb and will_paginate.

13,703 下載

neo4jrb_spatial 2.0.0

Provides basic support for Neo4j Spatial with Neo4j.rb.

9,999 下載

neo4j-will_paginate_redux 0.3.4

Integration between Neo4jrb 3.0 and will_paginate.

9,517 下載

geocoder-neo4j_spatial 0.2.2

Geocoder for neo4j_spatial

9,359 下載

seven_bridges 0.1.4

Tool to help understand the relationships between ruby methods

8,621 下載

neo4j-even_easier_id 0.0.3

Automatically creates unique IDs based on the Ruby BSON object ID generation method.

7,934 下載

neo-viz 1.0.2

A gem for visualizing a Neo database with Javascript

7,763 下載

acts_as_list_neo4j 0.0.2

Make your ActiveNode acts as a list. This acts_as extension provides the capabilities f...

6,719 下載

nice_nodes 1.0.2.pre

nice_nodes provides 'Model' and 'Relationship' helpers to make developing Neo4j with Ra...

6,329 下載

neo4j-searchkick 0.0.2

This gem overrides the Searchkick::Results.result method to provide support for Neo4j r...

5,570 下載

neo4j_test_server 1.1.1

Installs/Autostarts a Neo4j instance for your tests

5,234 下載

numeritaj_tipo 0.2.0

Numeritaj Tipo is enumerated type

4,988 下載

neo4j-rails 0.5.1

Adapts Neo4j for Rails 3 apps using ActiveModel

4,846 下載

sunspot_neo4j 1.0.0

A Sunspot wrapper for Neo4j that is like sunspot_rails.

3,096 下載

refile-neo4j 1.0.0

Add Neo4j support to Refile.

2,576 下載

總下載次數 1,185,629

這個版本 188,098



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.1.9
