nanoc 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 nanoc
govuk_design_system_formbuilder 5.8.0
This library provides view components for the GOV.UK Design System. It makes creating s...
789,635 下載
govuk-components 5.8.0
This library provides view components for the GOV.UK Design System. It makes creating s...
496,684 下載
origen 0.60.19
The Semiconductor Developer's Kit
431,049 下載
nanoc3 3.3.0
a web publishing system written in Ruby for building small to medium-sized websites.
169,171 下載
coursegen 0.9.25
Use Nanoc to build courses and deploy them to S3
93,906 下載
nutils 1.2.0
Nutils is a set of utilities like filters, data_sources and helpers for Nanoc.
80,116 下載
nanoc-conref-fs 0.7.0
A Nanoc filesystem to permit using conrefs/reusables in your content.
56,869 下載
nanoc-toolbox 0.2.1
The nanoc-toolbox is a collection of filters and helpers for the static site generator ...
45,524 下載
flak 0.0.9
VFX tool build and documentation framework based on rake with thor generators
33,126 下載
nanoc-cachebuster 0.4.0
Your website should use far-future expires headers on static assets, to make the best u...
30,969 下載
nanoc-git 2.0.0
Provides a Git deployer for Nanoc. Obsolete; merged into Nanoc 4.5.
24,460 下載
nanoc-redirector 0.4.1
["Allows", "you", "to", "generate", "redirects", "to", "and", "from", "an", "item."]
20,854 下載
nanoc-html-pipeline 0.3.5
An adapter for using html-pipeline as a filter in your nanoc Rules
20,469 下載
nanoc-oo 0.0.6
with this you can map classes to directories and use inheritance in your nanoc site
19,038 下載
nanoc-code-classifier 0.1.0
By using special tags the code classifier filter can pre-process you code blocks and ap...
18,307 下載
game_machine 1.0.4
game server
17,703 下載
ghp 0.0.8
git home page
17,105 下載
nanoc-filesystem-i18n 0.2.0
I18n filesystem based data source for nanoc. Compatible with nanoc 3 and default filesy...
17,093 下載
nanoc-bibtex 1.0.1
BibTeX data source for nanoc.
16,422 下載
nanoc_fuel 0.0.4
nanoc extension that adds useful helpers (facebook, google analytics, etc).
14,537 下載
nanoc-fuel 0.0.8
nanoc extension that adds useful helpers (facebook, google analytics, etc).
14,275 下載
nanoc-asciidoctor 2.0.2
Provides an Asciidoctor filter for Nanoc. Obsolete; merged into Nanoc 4.8.
14,273 下載
nanoc-sprockets-filter 0.1.1
A nanoc filter to use Sprockets, a Ruby library for compiling and serving web assets.
13,790 下載
gitoe 0.1.3
a local web app, to show local git changes
13,073 下載
nanoc-image-compressor 0.1.1
Nanoc image compressor filter
12,976 下載
nanoc-deploy 0.0.5
nanoc extension adds rake cloud deployment options using fog.
12,903 下載
nanoc-javascript-concatenator 0.0.2
Nanoc JavaScript concatenator filter
10,897 下載
nanoc-github 1.2.0
Nanoc content source from git repository. A way to have your writing in public and open...
7,507 下載
dsfr-view-components 2.1.1
Cette librairie de composants vise à simplifier l’usage du DSFR (Système de Design de l...
7,178 下載
nanoc-typohero 1.0.1
Provides a :typohero filter for nanoc
6,172 下載