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middleman 2.0.9.pre-x86-mswin32

A static site generator based on Sinatra. Providing dozens of templating languages (Haml, Sass, Compass, Slim, CoffeeScript, and more). Makes minification, compression, cache busting, Yaml data (and more) an easy part of your development cycle.




  1. 5.0.0.rc.1 May 24, 2019 (5,5 ko)
  2. 4.6.0 March 05, 2025 (5 ko)
  3. 4.5.1 October 23, 2023 (5,5 ko)
  4. 4.5.0 May 03, 2023 (5,5 ko)
  5. 4.4.3 November 09, 2022 (5,5 ko)
  6. 2.0.9.pre September 09, 2011 x86-mswin32 (180 ko)
Voir toutes les versions (328)

Dépendances de Runtime (22):

coffee-script ~> 2.2.0
compass ~> 0.11.3
eventmachine = 1.0.0.beta.3
guard ~> 0.6.2
haml ~> 3.1.0
maruku ~> 0.6.0
padrino-core ~> 0.10.2
padrino-helpers ~> 0.10.2
rack ~> 1.3.0
rack-test ~> 0.6.1
rb-fchange >= 0
sass ~> 3.1.7
sinatra ~> 1.2.6
slim ~> 1.0.1
sprockets ~> 2.0.0
thin ~> 1.2.11
thor ~> 0.14.0
tilt ~> 1.3.1
uglifier ~> 1.0.0
win32console ~> 1.3.0
win32-process ~> 0.6.5

Dépendances de Development (5):

coffee-filter ~> 0.1.1
cucumber ~> 1.0.2
liquid ~> 2.2.0
rake = 0.8.7
rspec ~> 2.6.0



  • Thomas Reynolds

Total de contrôle SHA 256:


Total de téléchargements 5 703 243

Pour cette version 2 512

Version publiée:



Version de Ruby requise: None

Required Rubygems Version: > 1.3.1
