RubyGems Navigation menu

http 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 http

webmock 3.23.0

WebMock allows stubbing HTTP requests and setting expectations on HTTP requests.

254,681,545 下载

airbrake 13.0.4

Airbrake is an online tool that provides robust exception tracking in any of your Ruby ...

42,082,992 下载

kubeclient 4.11.0

A client for Kubernetes REST api

30,658,756 下载

twitter 8.0.1

A Ruby interface to the Twitter API.

22,437,742 下载

down 5.4.2

Robust streaming downloads using Net::HTTP, HTTP.rb or wget.

22,393,397 下载

ld-eventsource 2.2.2

LaunchDarkly SSE client for Ruby

14,826,883 下载

launchdarkly-server-sdk 8.4.0

Official LaunchDarkly SDK for Ruby

13,742,305 下载

gitlab_quality-test_tooling 1.23.0

A collection of test-related tools.

7,213,907 下载

opentelemetry-instrumentation-http 0.23.2

HTTP instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework

6,744,175 下载

sniffer 0.5.0

Analyze HTTP Requests

5,733,416 下载

geckodriver-helper 0.24.0

Easy installation and use of geckodriver, that provides the HTTP API described by the W...

5,291,729 下载

gitlab-qa 14.8.1

Integration tests for GitLab

4,872,391 下载

elastic-apm 4.7.3

The official Elastic APM agent for Ruby

4,665,168 下载

api-auth 2.5.1

Full HMAC auth implementation for use in your gems and Rails apps.

4,293,578 下载

contentful 2.17.1

Ruby client for the Content Delivery API

4,088,770 下载

libhoney 2.3.0

Ruby gem for sending data to Honeycomb

3,671,957 下载

maxmind-geoip2 1.2.0

A gem for interacting with the GeoIP2 webservices and databases. MaxMind provides geolo...

2,545,624 下载

statsig 1.33.4

Statsig server SDK for feature gates and experimentation in Ruby

2,409,382 下载

taxjar-ruby 3.0.4

Ruby wrapper for Taxjar API, more info at

2,161,422 下载

contentful-management 3.10.0

Ruby client for the Content Management API

2,085,117 下载

geckodriver-bin 0.28.0

Easy installation and use of geckodriver, that provides the HTTP API described by the W...

1,716,349 下载

gqli 1.2.0

GraphQL client with simple interface, designed for developer happiness

1,151,187 下载

zabbixapi 4.2.0

Allows you to work with zabbix api from ruby.

1,137,593 下载

miasma 0.3.8

Smoggy API

1,113,506 下载

vacuum 4.1.0

A wrapper to the Amazon Product Advertising API

989,742 下载

fluent-plugin-vmware-log-intelligence 2.0.8

Send Fluentd buffered logs to VMware Log Intelligence

763,195 下载

dropbox-sdk-v2 0.0.3

A Ruby library for the new Dropbox API.

599,285 下载

solr_wrapper 4.0.2

Solr service wrapper

545,974 下载

ibm_watson 2.2.0

Official client library to use the IBM Watson Services

541,423 下载

ibm_cloud_sdk_core 1.2.0

Official IBM Cloud SDK core library

527,666 下载

下载总量 129,064,321

这个版本 1,119,305



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.6

新的版本需要开启多因素验证: true

使用多因素验证发布的版本: true
