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graphql 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 graphql

getninjas-apollo-tracing 1.6.0

Ruby implementation of GraphQL trace data in the Apollo Tracing format.

2,800 下载

graphql_preloader 1.1.0

rails graphql preload ar association in resolver

2,771 下载

graphql-schema_directives 0.0.2

Schema directives for graphql-ruby

2,657 下载

graphql-batch-edge 0.4.0

A query batching executor for the graphql gem (Unofficial Edge Releases)

2,629 下载

persisted_queries 0.0.1

imple implementation of persisted queries for GraphQL

2,605 下载

graphql_swift_gen 0.1.0

Generates swift code based on the GraphQL schema to provide type-safe API for building ...

2,598 下载

object_to_graphql 0.1.1

GraphQL Query generator from Ruby object structure

2,486 下载

alchemy-graphql 0.1.0

Description of Alchemy::GraphQL

2,370 下载

insights-graphql-preload 2.1.0

Preload ActiveRecord associations with graphql-batch

2,167 下载

mock_graphql_ai 1.1.0

A thin wrapper to generate mock GraphQL API responses via OpenAI gpt-3.5-turbo in Ruby ...

2,130 下载

graphql-mock 0.1.0

Provides a GraphQL mock server that allows testing client request against a provided sc...

2,104 下载

graphql-constraint-directive 0.1.3

Allow using @constraint as a directive to validate input data. inspired by https://gith...

2,053 下载

ruby-graphql-java-client-generator 0.0.2

Generates java code based on the GraphQL schema to provide type-safe API for building G...

1,999 下载

hai 0.0.5

Will finish later.

1,978 下载

graphql-pundit-387 0.7.1

Pundit authorization support for graphql

1,962 下载

twenty-server 0.5.8

Provides the server component of twenty. See for context.

1,902 下载

find_github_email 1.0.0

Find GitHub Email is a gem to find any GitHub user's email addresses based on their...

1,786 下载

better-graphql-detect-invalid-id-field 0.1.0

Detect invalid id field for GraphQL types by detecting divergent fields between nodes r...

1,783 下载

plurall 0.1.0

Provides an SDK for interacting wth the Plurall API in Ruby

1,741 下载

navigable-graphql 0.1.0

An extension of Navigable Server for building GraphQL APIs.

1,735 下载

cm-graphql 0.0.5

A gem to setup grapqhl basics like pagination, file upload

1,677 下载

graphql_pundit3 1.0

Pundit authorization support for new graphql interpreter

1,674 下载

twenty-backend 0.3.5

twenty: backend

1,593 下载

rspec-graphql-integration 0.2.0

An RSpec plugin to simplify integration tests for GraphQL

1,381 下载

rails-fields 0.3.2

rails-fields gem provides robust field type enforcement for ActiveRecord models in Ruby...

1,379 下载

graphql-coverage 0.1.0

Coverage for GraphQL

1,155 下载

graphql-filters 1.0.2

Provide a fully typed interface to filter lists in a GraphQL API.

1,143 下载

fragment-dev 1.1.3

the ruby fragment client sdk

913 下载

graphql_query_argument 0.0.2

For Graphql custom query argument module

546 下载

blog777 0.1.0

Description of AppComponent

543 下载

下载总量 108,201,460

这个版本 33,056



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.7.0

新的版本需要开启多因素验证: true

使用多因素验证发布的版本: true
