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graphql 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 graphql

inigorb 0.30.5

Inigo GraphQL plugin for Ruby

6,351 下载

platformos-check 0.4.12

A platformOS App Linter

6,339 下载

graphql_picker 0.1.2

Pickup Graphql query and mutaito

6,215 下载

graphql-rails-activereflection 0.2.0

Reflection over GraphQL for ActiveRecord models and validators

5,961 下载

graphql-idl-parser 0.1.1

A parser for the GraphQL IDL format.

5,804 下载

recline 0.2.0

Keep your frontend forms sane and seamless with your backend

5,690 下载

graphql-validation 0.1.1

Validate graphql-ruby arguments easily with dry-validation

5,561 下载

graphql_activerecord_resolvers 0.2.1

GraphQL on Rails, without the N+1's.

5,386 下载

grate 0.1.2

Grate is a framework that allows you to use a declarative, compact DSL to design GraphQ...

5,137 下载

graphql_server 0.1.1

A simple spec-compliant GraphQL rack application and middleware

5,043 下载

shared-arguments 0.2.0

This gem allows you to share arguments between multiple fields while using graphql.

4,695 下载

rgraphql_preload_ar 1.0.3

rails graphql preload ar in resolver

4,673 下载

graph_types 0.2.0

A Collection of Types for GraphQL.

4,649 下载

dowin 0.2.0


4,644 下载

graphql-pundit2 1

Pundit authorization support for new graphql interpreter

4,492 下载

binda-api 0.1.3

Binda plugin that adds a GraphQL api to your applicaiton

4,216 下载

graphql-repl 0.2.0


4,212 下载

graphql-opentracing 0.2.0

Instruments the graphql-ruby gem for opentracing

4,172 下载

graphql-tracing 0.1.1

Ruby implementation of GraphQL trace data in the Apollo Tracing format.

4,012 下载

graphql-flamegraph 0.1.0

Measure and visualize resolve runtime of every GraphQL field

3,910 下载

graphql-smart_select 0.1.3

Provide logic for select only required fields from query

3,555 下载

graphql-paging 0.1.0.beta2

A page-based pagination extension for graphql gem

3,336 下载

atlas_engine 1.2.0

The Atlas Engine is a rails engine that provides a GraphQL API for address validation.

3,309 下载

graphql-permissions 0.1.1

Expose user permissions in your GraphQL schema

3,071 下载

ciflows 1.0.5

No desc

2,972 下载

graphiql_rails 0.0.2

Provides a configurable Graphiql endpoint for easy graphql api development.

2,960 下载

graphql-client-jennius 0.16.1

A Ruby library for declaring, composing and executing GraphQL queries

2,871 下载

yogurt 0.2.0

GraphQL client with Sorbet typing.

2,869 下载

graphql-rails-schemaker 0.1.0

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

2,863 下载

card-mod-graphql 0.2

GraphQL for decko cards

2,824 下载

下载总量 107,999,334

这个版本 852



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.7.0

新的版本需要开启多因素验证: true

使用多因素验证发布的版本: true
