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googleauth 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 googleauth

fluent-plugin-bigquery-patched-retry-insert-502 0.4.0

Fluentd plugin to store data on Google BigQuery, by load, or by stream inserts

12,612 下載

lt-google-api 0.3.0

Provides the set of classes to simplify work with Google services

12,352 下載

fluent-plugin-gcp_pubsub 0.6.0

A plugin for the Fluentd event collection agent that provides Google Cloud Pub/Sub support

11,810 下載

googlepay 0.2.0

An engaging way to offer passes, loyalty programs, and more with Google Pay.

11,271 下載

hey-you-fcm-push 0.3.2

Send fcm pushes via hey-you using google fcm protocol

11,096 下載

clian 0.4.1

Small set of Ruby classes helpful for creation of CLI tools.

10,817 下載

logstash-output-stackdriver_logging 0.2.0

Writes payloads to Stackdriver Logging.

10,660 下載

googledrive-easy 0.1.9

Easy File interface to Google Drive

10,615 下載

pushr-fcm 1.0.0

FCM support for the modular push daemon.

10,016 下載

gemini-ai 4.0.0

A Ruby Gem for interacting with Gemini through Vertex AI, Generative Language API, or A...

9,835 下載

vmik-fluent-plugin-google-cloud 0.5.5

Fluentd output plugin for the Stackdriver Logging API, which will make logs viewable...

8,766 下載

googleauth-extras 0.2.1

Additions to the googleauth gem for unsupported authentication schemes.

8,746 下載

sheet_reader 1.0.0

A gem to read google spreadsheets

8,283 下載

awesome-grpc-that-works 0.12.2

Send RPCs from Ruby using GRPC

8,150 下載

capkin 0.0.5

Uploads your apps to Google Play

8,031 下載

shrine-gdrive_storage_cmptbl 0.5.1

Provides Google Drive Storage for Shrine. Fork & improvemnet on Scott Near's version (h...

7,876 下載

google_cloud_run 0.2.4

Opinionated Logging, Error Reporting and minor patches for Rails on Google Cloud Run.

7,839 下載

llm_memory_gmail_loader 0.1.6

Loading data from GMail using API

7,584 下載

beaker-gke 0.1.0

Add GKE support to Beaker acceptance testing tool

7,293 下載

k8y 0.4.0

Ruby client for interacting with kubernetes clusters

6,430 下載

vmpooler-provider-gce 1.3.0

GCE provider for VMPooler

5,839 下載

fluent-plugin-google-chat 0.0.3

fluent Google Chat plugin

5,331 下載

tobsch-krane 1.0.2

A command line tool that helps you ship changes to a Kubernetes namespace and understan...

5,283 下載

face_detect 0.1.1

Simple face detection

5,258 下載

google_sheets_to_csv 1.0.2

A Command-Line Tool converting Google Sheets to CSV

5,175 下載

sd-ruby-libs 0.0.3

basic slack and google sheets functionality

5,123 下載

vagrant-gsauth 1.0.1

Private, versioned Vagrant boxes hosted on Google Cloud Storage.

4,281 下載

csv_plus_plus 0.2.1

A programming language built on top of CSV. You can define functions and variables to ...

3,676 下載

ad_state_of_the_back 0.1.3

This gem automatically gathers information about backend projects and uploads it to a G...

3,559 下載

grpc-flamingo 1.15.0

Send RPCs from Ruby using GRPC

3,545 下載

總下載次數 312,329,874

這個版本 3,696,839



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.7
