fuubar 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 fuubar
tucano 0.2.0
When taking part in a hackathon recently I was looking for a simple gem to pull product...
16,121 下載
opentransact 0.1.2
OpenTransact client for Ruby
15,855 下載
skywriter 1.1.3
Writes AWS CloudFormation templates.
15,851 下載
sermepa_web_tpv 0.1.3
Simple rails engine to add payments to your web application using sermepa standard web tpv
15,838 下載
electronics 0.1.2
Electronics Description
15,608 下載
navvy-sequelhooks 0.3.7
Simple background job processor inspired by delayed_job, but aiming for database agnost...
15,535 下載
grape_session 0.0.3
Adds Rails like session support to grape api
15,441 下載
knife-zcloudjp 0.2.0
Knife(Opscode Chef) plugin for Z Cloud(Powered by Joyent).
15,404 下載
ruby_badger 4.2.3
Get a nice, clean badge displaying your Rails Environment or othe...
15,199 下載
rspec-smart-formatter 0.0.4
When you run individual specs, I want to see documentation output, because it shows bet...
14,957 下載
prospectus_puppet 0.0.8
Prospectus helpers for puppet
14,557 下載
tfl_api_client 0.6.0
This gem aims to provide a simple, programmatic ruby client that allows native ruby...
14,544 下載
artic 1.0.5
A Ruby gem for time computations.
14,371 下載
keystok 1.3.0
Ruby client for Keystok service. https://keystok.com
14,228 下載
chicrime 0.2.2
Chicrime is a ruby gem that wraps the soda-ruby library with easy to use methods and a...
14,069 下載
hertz-email 2.1.0
An ActionMailer courier for Hertz.
13,975 下載
polytag 0.1.0
Provides really easy tagging for rails and ActiveRecord models
13,903 下載
qipowl 0.9.7
Multipurpose DSL-based pure text parser.
13,815 下載
triviacrack 0.8.0
A Ruby interface to the Trivia Crack API.
13,784 下載
simple_analytics 0.0.2
The Simple Analytics allows to access Google Analytics report data
13,718 下載
license_finder_rails_assets 1.0.0
LicenseFinderRailsAssets is a plugin for LicenseFinder that adds support for declar...
13,697 下載
prospectus_golang 0.1.5
Prospectus helpers for golang
13,681 下載
sonic 0.1.8
Sonic is a Rails engine which provides a status page for your applications ...
13,671 下載
glib-eventable 0.1.3
This is a helper gem for ruby-gnome2 applications that allows developers to easily conn...
13,645 下載
Resolves cookbook dependencies
13,644 下載
rspec-expect_it 2.0.0
Provides expect_it helpers for RSpec.
13,478 下載
Test your JavaScript without any framework dependencies, in any environment, and with a...
13,435 下載
cachedis 0.0.3
Instead of running your expensive queries for every page load, let cachedis store them ...
13,424 下載
hertz-courier-email 1.1.0
An ActionMailer courier for Hertz.
13,404 下載
credit_officer 0.2.1
An upgrade/port of ActiveMerchant's credit card class
13,319 下載