RubyGems Navigation menu

fuubar 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 fuubar

liquid-development 0.2.1

This is a simple gem to consolidate common development dependencies.

20,154 下載

wp-hmac 0.2.5

Enable different HMAC keys on different routes / subdomains.

20,153 下載

speedflow-plugin-jira 0.3.6

A Speedflow plugin for JIRA.

20,086 下載

sortify 0.1.9

Sortify acts as a wrapper around ActiveRecord scopes, providing a tiny bit of extra fun...

19,898 下載

solidstate 0.4.5

Minuscule state machine.

19,765 下載


Shellac gives you an environment aware helper for purging configured under config/varni...

19,196 下載

software_smithy 1.6.5

Smithy can help maintain a collection of software installed from source. Typically, man...

18,966 下載

common-content 0.0.5

Common-content is a simple CMS rails engine plugin for Mongoid based apps

18,851 下載

postino 1.1.4

Postino allows you to generate Italian postal payment forms in PDF format using Prawn.

18,599 下載

bitbank 0.1.2

Easy to use Ruby interface to the Bitcoind JSON-RPC API

18,329 下載

scvcs 0.2.6

A Ruby gem designed implementing a simple Git-like version control system on top of vcs...

18,287 下載

redisstore 1.0.0

Stores cached values in Redis

18,068 下載

stenographer-rails 0.7.4

Cleaner, Happier, Easier Changelogs in Rails

18,038 下載

chef_stash 0.1.6

Chef Key/value stash cache hash objects store.

18,034 下載

stub_requests 0.1.11

An abstraction on top of WebMock to build stubbed HTTP requests

18,003 下載

lelylan-rb 0.1.0

Ruby wrapper for Lelylan API

17,877 下載

espago 0.1.11

Espago api wrapper

17,852 下載

em-rack-mongrel2 0.2.3

A Rack handler for the Mongrel2 web server with EventMachine support

17,620 下載

line-bot-lite 0.4.1

Line Bot API usuall depend on rack but it cause newer rack cannot working correctly, so...

17,156 下載

jssignals-rails 1.3.0

Provides js-signals for use with Rails 3

17,052 下載

glinda 0.2.3

Toto, expanded

17,035 下載

croesus 0.1.8

Ruby REST client for Delphix virtual database appliance

16,967 下載

jason-orm 0.3.2

A persistence framework based on json files.

16,950 下載

prospectus_travis 0.1.2

Prospectus helpers for TravisCI

16,932 下載

libledger 0.0.8

Library for interacting with Ledger files

16,784 下載

voluntary_text_creation 0.2.0

#Crowdsourcing system voluntary plugin:

16,743 下載

eventsimple 1.5.6

Event sourcing toolkit using Rails and ActiveJob

16,714 下載

logcabin 0.1.3

Support dynamic loading of modules at runtime

16,476 下載

mongo-lock 1.2.0

Key based pessimistic locking for Ruby and MongoDB. Is this key avaliable? Yes - Lock i...

16,337 下載

tco_client_core 0.3.1

Handles communication with's API

16,227 下載

總下載次數 61,838,219

這個版本 14,521,424




Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
