fuubar 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 fuubar
science 0.0.1b
4,420 下載
mcutter 0.0.1
Just Movie cutter
4,395 下載
json_config_attributes 0.0.0
Simple ActiveSupport::Concern for converting a JSON config string into methods availabl...
4,373 下載
muxilla 0.0.1
A prompt-based cli to generate a tmux script based on the story name and related systems
4,370 下載
castiel 0.0.1
Extension do add date and time parsing capabilities to OptionsParse
4,361 下載
redis_rate_limit 2.0.0
Controle the number of requests permitted to make per minute/hour/day
4,299 下載
rucursive 1.0.0
Recursively traverses data structures (Hash & Array currently)
4,263 下載
speculate 0.0.3
Tool for assuming roles in AWS accounts
4,258 下載
licenses 0.0.1
# License Create software licenses easily. ## Install ### Bundler: `gem 'license'` ...
4,242 下載
rasin 0.7.0
Amazon Simple INterface.
4,193 下載
form_model 0.0.1
A Library to create Form objects to encapsulate forms
4,172 下載
nfler 0.0.1
NFL Ruby parsing library to get league data, teams, scores and more...
4,155 下載
nimboids-capybara 1.1.2
Capybara is an integration testing tool for rack based web applications. It simulates h...
4,150 下載
registrable 0.2.0
Allow a class to hold a registry, which is a frozen Hash which can only be modified usi...
4,145 下載
new_artrails_capistrano 0.0.2
This gem is a viable alternative to Git deployments on production machines. Commands ar...
4,067 下載
scoped_storage 0.0.1
Stores values in a thread local or thread global storage
4,055 下載
torrent 0.0.1
A Ruby BitTorrent Library.
4,003 下載
gsm 0.0.1
Easily update all of your git projects's submodules to their latest tags.
3,993 下載
trope 0.0.0
# Trope **[Documentation][docs] - [Gem][gems] - [Source][source]** Prototyping langua...
3,975 下載
warden_watch 0.0.1
tracks user logins with warden
3,967 下載
headmaster 0.0.1
View your tests, specs, and cukes through your web browser.
3,964 下載
api_guardian 1.0.0.pre.beta1
Drop in authorization and authentication suite for Rails APIs. Features include use...
3,938 下載
pipe_line_dealer 0.1.0
A Ruby library that implements the PipelineDeals.com API.
3,917 下載
fuubar_velocity 0.0.2
After test run, prints velocity (how many specs/sec)
3,907 下載
mixin-ruby_engine 0.1.0
A mixin for querying the platform running Ruby
3,846 下載
mixin-platform 0.1.0
A mixin for querying the platform running Ruby
3,834 下載
unabridged 0.0.1
Scraper for historical GitHub contribution data
3,805 下載
super_model 0.0.1
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
3,804 下載
psp 0.0.1
An open-source toolchain and SDK for PSP homebrew development glued together with Ruby.
3,800 下載
launch_base 1.0.0
A Rails template with Kabisa defaults
3,773 下載