fuubar 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 fuubar
Manage Mac development boxes with love (and Puppet).
5,424 下載
bbc-capybara 1.1.2
Capybara is an integration testing tool for rack based web applications. It simulates h...
5,403 下載
jets-rubocop 0.1.5
RuboCop plugins and configuration for Jets
5,274 下載
citywrapper 1.0.0
Simple wrapper around the Citymapper API
5,154 下載
yapfac 0.2.0
Parsing and manipulation gem for Apache configuration files. Can also be used to contro...
5,125 下載
clean_config 0.0.2
Provides programatic access to config/config.yml
5,124 下載
engine_room 0.5.0
EngineRoom aims to be a simple to use, unobtrusive admin interface for rails applicatio...
5,064 下載
carpenter 0.1.0
Tiny gem for specifying test data for arbitrary objects in Ruby.
5,016 下載
rushiro 1.0.0
Explicit permissions inspired by Apache Shiro
4,868 下載
insrc-oauth-plugin 0.4.0.pre6
Rails plugin for implementing an OAuth Provider or Consumer
4,828 下載
google-cse 1.0.1
A wee Google CSE client
4,802 下載
graphql-pundit2 1
Pundit authorization support for new graphql interpreter
4,755 下載
embed_google 0.0.1
This gem allows easy and flexible embedding of Google services (currently only analytic...
4,699 下載
searchlink 2.3.82
macOS System Service for inline web searches
4,683 下載
windows 0.0.1
Manage operating system windows
4,668 下載
clr 0.0.1
This gem manages the markers for debugging
4,657 下載
game 0.0.1
# Game A Ruby-powered MVC game framework. ## Install ```sh $ gem install game ``` #...
4,651 下載
error 0.0.0
# Error `Error` is a very small library that serves as a base `Class` for error `Class...
4,632 下載
bancklecrm 0.0.1
Ruby SDK for Banckle CRM REST API
4,585 下載
phoenix_testing 0.2.1.beta
This plugin adds the ability to run cucumber and rspec against the Pheonix Engine project
4,574 下載
tapi-serverspec 0.2.0
Extensions to Serverspec by TransportAPI
4,574 下載
jets-testing 0.1.3
Common configuration for RSpec and a dummy application
4,531 下載
panjiva-oauth-plugin 0.4.1
Rails plugin for implementing an OAuth Provider or Consumer
4,527 下載
enqueue 0.0.1
Interface with message queues with ease.
4,513 下載
winewoo_core 1.22.10
Description of WinewooCore.
4,502 下載
Naive Bayes classifier
4,502 下載
karta 1.1.0
A simple Ruby gem for creating mappers which map one object to another.
4,480 下載
jets-railtie 0.1.2
jets-railtie provides the official integration of Jets gems with Ruby on Rails framework.
4,453 下載
cvprac 1.0.1
Arista REST API Client for CloudVision Portal
4,451 下載
in_bed_with 0.1.0
in_bed_with allows javascript code embedding of popular services (such as Google Analyt...
4,441 下載