RubyGems Navigation menu

fuubar 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 fuubar

amqp-processing 0.0.2

A server that allows multiple users to view and program a shared Ruby-Processing sketch.

10,899 下載

stormforge 0.8.1

stormforge-ruby is ruby the client library for the StormForger load test service

10,736 下載

alias_metrics 0.1.2

This tool is to visualize alias usage to parse command history. You can evaluate whethe...

10,310 下載

workers_loader 0.0.5

Resque workers loading strategy system

10,283 下載

api_smash 1.0.1

An enhanced Hash useful for API clients. Extracted from API Smith, and extends Hashie:...

10,239 下載

rformat 0.1.2

rformat will swap out the formatter contents of your ~/.rspec file so you can switch rs...

10,151 下載

morris-rails 0.4.9

morris.js for the Rails asset pipeline.

10,111 下載

oscillator 0.0.3

Shared CarrierWave and Validations and Configurations

9,990 下載

lazy_rotator 0.3.0

Tie log (or other file) rotation to the (un-scheduled?) execution of code. The raison d...

9,904 下載

miniblog 1.0.2

This mountable engine has the basic functionality to manage a very simple blog

9,886 下載

qb_iif 0.1.2

A simple DSL to generate QuickBooks IIF file

9,808 下載

sitemap_maker 0.0.4

longer description of your gem

9,789 下載

timeful 2.1.0

A Rails engine for building timelines.

9,759 下載

service_disruption 1.0.0

A simple gem to track the current status of London Underground services, it polls the T...

9,756 下載

bonfire 0.1.1

All the scripts you need to write books in Markdown then publish them via Amazon's Kind...

9,736 下載

active_service 0.0.1

ActiveService is a Rails extension that aims at creating reusable, transactional servic...

9,719 下載

access_policy_rails 0.0.2

Object oriented authorization for ruby.

9,708 下載

hertz-courier-twilio 1.0.2

A Twilio courier for Hertz.

9,701 下載

stipend 0.0.3

STIpend is a quick way to allow assignment and modification of Single Table Inheritance...

9,676 下載

grape_cookies 0.0.1

Adds Rails like cookie support to grape api

9,432 下載

bishl 0.0.3

Ruby wrapper for xml api.

9,388 下載

bishl 0.0.3

Ruby wrapper for xml api.

9,388 下載

kankri 0.1.2

Kankri is a library for quickly setting up basic authentication with object-action ...

9,380 下載

prospectus_repotimer 0.0.5

Prospectus helpers for checking repo staleness

9,350 下載

seraph-grape 0.1.1

Integrate Seraph with your Grape API

9,231 下載

lita-rimshot 0.1.2

Lita plugin for generating a rimshot

9,203 下載

euston-websites 1.0.0

Common functionality for interacting with euston from websites.

9,114 下載

euston-websites 1.0.0

Common functionality for interacting with euston from websites.

9,114 下載

craftyclicks-ruby 1.0.2

A simple wrapper around the CraftClicks API

9,031 下載

cargo_wiki 1.0.1

Wiki engine based on Rails 3 engine

9,012 下載

總下載次數 61,871,465

這個版本 14,529,851




Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
