RubyGems Navigation menu

factory_bot 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 factory_bot

perfect_audit 0.4.0

Perfect Audit API wrapper.

19,528 下載

mackarel 0.5.1

Mackarel allows you to write acceptance tests in Rails in a readable way without having...

19,485 下載

onc_certification_g10_test_kit 5.4.1

ONC Certification (g)(10) Standardized API for Patient and Population Services Test Kit

19,283 下載

feste 0.4.2

Give your users the ability to manage their email subscriptions in your Rails application.

19,144 下載

mvg-live 2.3.0

A CLI and ruby client for, the real-time interface to Munich's public trans...

19,011 下載

mongoid_occurrences 1.1.6

Facilitates aggregations for events with multiple occurrences or a recurring schedule.

18,869 下載

finale 0.1.10

A client to interact with the Finale Inventory System.

18,835 下載


Drys up serialized returns by passing in object, serializer, and an options hash

18,662 下載

factory_burgers 1.1.3

factory_burgers provides a UI and some tooling to allow manual testing the abilit to us...

18,475 下載

lycra 5.0.0

Better elasticsearch documents for ruby

18,366 下載

yaqb 0.5.4

Yet Another Query Builder

18,195 下載

ama_logger 1.3.0

Log formatters and helper classes for the AMA standardized log format

18,176 下載

wayfarer 0.4.7

Web crawling framework based on ActiveJob

17,580 下載

us_core_test_kit 0.7.1

US Core Inferno tests

17,513 下載

dev_training_bot 1.2.0

Create a poll in Slack with the proposed topics

17,444 下載


Ruby wrapper to OneSignal API, mapping to Plain Old Ruby Objects

17,422 下載

noticent 0.0.6

Act as Notified is a flexible framework to add notifications to a Rails application

16,869 下載

panda-motd 0.0.12

Enhance your MOTD with useful at-a-glance information.

16,281 下載

hippo-fw 0.9.9

Hippo is a framework for writing single page web applications. It's a full stack frame...

16,228 下載

acts_as_full_calendar_event 1.0.7

Rails gem to allowing models to be events for full calendar

16,157 下載

lcms-engine 0.5.5

Implements common components and features for Rails-based LCMS systems

15,757 下載

xpost 0.1.23

A quick wrapped of the xpost API written by xpanse.

15,689 下載

universal-git-client 2.1.0

Use this gem to normalize git providers api responses

15,682 下載

rails_log_book 2.4.0

Write a longer description or delete this line.

15,415 下載

manageiq-api-common 2.1.0

Header, Encryption, RBAC, Serialization, Pagination and other common behavior for micro...

15,376 下載

omie-client 0.1.9

A Ruby client for Omie ERP API

15,127 下載

smart_app_launch_test_kit 0.4.2

Inferno Tests for the SMART Application Launch Framework Implementation Guide

15,057 下載

thicket 0.1.8

Git's default log command gets the job done, but its formatting capabilities sometimes ...

14,910 下載

viniBaxter-spa-nested_has_many 300.0.6

Plugin for nested has_many forms in Administrate

14,755 下載

simple_ruby_service 1.0.6

Simple Ruby Service is a lightweight framework for creating Services and Service Object...

14,678 下載

總下載次數 221,258,882

這個版本 3,750,113



Ruby 版本需求: >= 3.0.0
